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Guys I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you, but I have no self control...

I'm starting another book! *flinches* Don't Punjab me!

Alright. I'm sorry, guys. I've always wanted to write the book I'm starting, which is called Shadowed Pasts because I suck at coming up with book names...

It's basically about me meeting Erik! I've read a lot of stories about people travelling to the past and meeting Erik, so I'm bringing him to the future!

I know it's not the most original idea, but I still want to do it. It'll be easy for me to write because I know exactly how I'd react to all the situations... I also get to put my friends in it (they probably won't read it because they're not phans)!

I just posted the first chapter, so check it out if you'd like! And no, I'm not putting this book on hold! I couldn't do that... I'm very attached to Raerik. Even though this book is almost over...

Also, thank you all for voting and commenting! Your comments are the highlight of my day! I've gotten SO many comments on this book, more from some than others.... *coughs* You know who you are.

Thank you!

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