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Raeann's POV

You alone can make my song take flight

Help me make the music of the night

I gaze admiringly at Erik as he finishes singing. He is truly blessed with the voice of an angel. I lean my head against his shoulder and smile contently, knowing there's no place I'd rather be than with him.

"Beautiful," I exhale deeply, speaking both of his song and him. In response, he runs his fingers through my hair and plants a gentle kiss on my forehead.

Erik's POV

I look down at my angel, basking in her beauty. Her glorious eyes hold love, something I never dreamed could be directed toward me. The beautiful girl in my arms is my world and my heart.

She deserves better.

A voice in the back of my mind nags me. I know that it's true, but Raeann seems happy to be with me.

Nobody could possibly be happy with a monster.

I study Raeann's face. She's gorgeous. Her amazing eyes and perfect lips-all her angelic features-guarantee that she can be with any man she chooses. Yet she chooses to be with a monster.

Does she feel like she has a choice?

I lightly shake my head at my preposterous thoughts.

She probably feels like she has to be with you. Out of pity. She's seen your face and now she pities you.

I begin to give in to my absurd reasoning. Raeann is special; different. She's different in the most magnificent ways, yet she's chained to a monster.

Let her go, My mind whispers.

No. I can't give away my happiness, I argue back.

Let her have hers. She'll be better off without you. She can find someone who deserves her.

After arguing back and forth with myself, I decide that I'm not strong enough to let her have her freedom. If she chooses to leave on her own, I won't stop her, but I can't make her leave.

I'm scared.

This single sentence is a revelation that sets off a chain reaction in my mind. I'm scared-horrified-of losing her. I'm scared of spending a day without her. I'm scared that one day, we'll be separated. One day she'll come to her senses and realize that I truly am a monster. She'll flee and I'll never see her again, just like Christine. And I'm scared.

Raeann's POV

After a long silence, a troubled look crosses Erik's unmasked face. I gently reach up and cup his cheek in my hand. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch, letting out a sigh. I instantly know what he's thinking.

"I love you," I kiss him softly on the lips. "I'll never leave you. I'd die if I was without you."

I start to lean in for another kiss when there's a sudden pounding at the door. We both stand, surprised at the sudden movement and shocked that somebody managed to find Erik's home.

My eyes widen as I remember that Erik's a wanted criminal. After murdering and destroying property at the opera house, he fled. Now somebody's come for him.

"Erik, we have to go," I whisper, panicked.

"No," He protests firmly. "I have to go."

"I won't let you leave without me," I cling to his arm. "I'll go with you. We can run together."

"Either I'm leaving without you, or I'm not leaving at all," Erik demands, but I see sadness in his eyes. "You'll get in trouble for associating with a criminal. You could even go to jail if you run with me. I won't let that happen."

I'm about to protest when I remember that whoever is pounding at the door will break it down before Erik escapes if we don't move quickly.

"Okay," I nod, tears coming to my eyes. "But I'll find you."

Erik doesn't respond, but runs to my room and grabs his mask. He sprints down the stairs with me following, not bothering to check who's at the door, and makes it to the kitchen. He looks back at me hesitantly before opening the back door and disappearing into the woods. I sink to the floor in tears just before the front door is broken down.

Everything freezes.

People charge towards me.

I look up at the blurred faces and recognize my sister and cousin.

A dark-skinned man begins to search the house.

I'm bombarded with questions from a woman with black hair.

I stay silent.

I feel the same pain of losing somebody as I did when I lost my father. I look at the table and let out a broken sob as I remember the meals we shared together. I recall the time I told Erik my story and think about the pain in his eyes when I saw part of his face. I can almost feel the sensation of cold snow hitting my face on the day that we had a snowball fight.

I lightly touch my lips, closing my eyes and imaging his against them. I hear his musical voice inside my head and see his beautiful face in my mind. The face that I'll always love.

"Raeann, are you okay?" I recognize Bee's voice, but I can barely hear it through the pain I'm experiencing. I feel a stabbing in my chest and let out a cry of agony. I feel like I'm slowly dying.

Before I know it, I'm being led out of the house. Quickly, I pull away from the people and maneuver my way to the steps. I know they're following me, but I don't care. I run to the music room with inhuman speed and open the drawers of the filing cabinet, grabbing all the music I can. I go back to my room and toss them into the violin case before shutting it tight. I look over my shoulder to see the dark-skinned man standing at the doorway, a look of confusion on his face. I get up and follow him, clutching my case.

More questions are thrown my way when I get down the staircase, but I disregard them. I find that I can't speak, but I weakly trail after them as they reach a car that's parked outside. I don't protest. Instead, I climb into the car and buckle my seat belt, still in a daze. Everything around me seems fake; this entire situation is surreal. I've been detached from my source of life: Erik.

The car starts to move and I just barely hear Bee excitedly talking about retrieving her sister. My eyes lock on Erik's house and I think of the memories we've shared there. As the car continues driving, I watch as the house slowly fades into the distance.

I wasn't supposed to have a happy ending, was I?

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