Chapter 12: Searching

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Raeann's POV

"I'm sorry, Raeann. But I can't let you do that."

Erik's words frighten me so much that I want to cry. He can't possible mean that he's keeping me here against my will. Can he?

"What?" I ask meakly, quivering. I know what he means from the look in his eyes, but I'm clinging to a small hope that maybe it isn't as I suspect.

"I won't let you leave," he restates. I feel my heart pound in my chest and my legs wobble. I feel like I'm going to faint, but I won't let myself.

I look helplessly into the eyes of the man that I once loved. Oh, Erik. Why did you have to mess everything up?

I suddenly feel a twinge of anger. Why does he think it's okay to keep me here? My rage swells until I'm absolutely furious.

"How could you?!" I walk up to him and poke my finger at his chest. "Don't you know that it's not right to... to... hold me hostage! I hate you, Erik Destler! Do you hear me? I HATE YOU!"

Although I know that my statement isn't entirely true, I get some satisfaction when I see the look of pain on his masked face.

"After all you've done, you do this!" I continue, now pacing around the kitchen. "You kill a man, you make a soprano disappear, you crash a chandelier, then you do this to me!" I throw my arms up for effect.

"What... what are you talking about?" Erik's eyes are wide with shock.

"You know very well what I'm talking about, Opera Ghost!" I yell in a demanding tone. "You do all that stuff, then you come back here and mope about your lost love with some lady! Well if you love her so much, why the hell did you kidnap me?!"

Erik nervously runs his fingers through his hair and gives a blank look. I see fear in his brown eyes, the ones that I'm starting to find annoying.

"Why did you kidnap me?!" I shout at the top of my lungs in his direction. He stays motionless, which only makes my anger grow.

"Fine, then," I cross my arms. "Don't tell me." I glare at him with all my might, hoping he feels it.

What Erik just did makes our time together pointless. All that we've gone through, it's all been erased. He destroyed any chances we had, as friends or lovers.

"You just had to do this, didn't you?!" I make my hands into fists and squeeze them so tight I feel  my fingernails leaving marks.

"Everything was going so well!" I start to cry with an ugly mixture of anger and sadness. "I even-"

I stop myself before I admit that I fell in love with him, but he raises an eyebrow. "'You even' what?"

I find myself unsure of how to react. I run up to him and raise my hand so it's hovering above his face. I take a deep breath before slapping him with all my might. I turn and run to my room before he can respond.


Bee's POV

"Trust me, they'll find her," Evan hugs me tightly as I cry into his chest. There's been no sign of Raeann for almost a week.

"What if they don't, Evan?" I weep. "What if she died or got kidnapped  or..." I trail off and shudder at the possibilities of what could be happening to my sister.

"What if," Evan suggests. "She got to another town safely and rented an apartment? Maybe she's staying at a friend's house."

"I can't think of any in the area," I sniffle. "She's got no place to go."

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