Chapter 19: Unmasked

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Erik's POV

I stop outside Raeann's room with the tray of breakfast for her, but before I can open the door I hear her talking.

"You know you love him, Raeann," she mumbles and I hear her footsteps against floor. "You just... you don't know how to..."

My heart sinks and the tray shakes with my quivering hands. Of course she loves another. She couldn't love me. Nobody can.

"I just want to be with him," Tears roll down my cheeks as Raeann continues. "I need to make it happen somehow."

I need to let her go so that she can be with her loved one. I can't make her suffer anymore. I want more than anything for her to be happy.

With a heavy heart, I trudge back to my room and sit at my piano. Staring at the black and white keys, I'm filled with a sudden anger about my fate.

I'm truly not meant to be happy, am I?


Raeann's POV

A few minutes later, the music starts. A horrible noise comes from the music room. The sound has no pattern and it sounds as though Erik is pounding his hands  against random notes.

I cover my ears and hope for it to stop, but it continues for such a long time that I simply sit on the floor and listen. What's he thinking?

Suddenly, the playing stops. I sit cross-legged on the carpet waiting for it to continue, but I only hear my own breath. This is when I get truly concerned. From my time here, I've learned that when Erik's angry or sad, he'll usually take it out on the piano. When he's silent, however, something is deeply wrong.

I feel a strong sense of deja vu as I creep to the music room. I've done a lot of spying on him, and I can't help but wonder if he's done the same to me.

Luckily, the door is unlocked. I enter the dark room to see Erik sitting still on the piano bench. I watch his shoulders move as he breathes.

"You may leave," Erik says without turning to meet my eyes.

"I could go back to my room if you'd like..." I trail of, not sure what he's implying.

"That won't be necessary," I hear pain in his deep, musical voice. "I'm letting you go."

"What?" I can't believe my ears.

"You're free."

I smile widely at his words. He finally offered me freedom. He understands that what he did isn't right.

"Erik, I'm not leaving," I answer boldly. I lean against the doorway, knowing this may take a while.

"Why?" He finally turns around, but I frown at the gleam of anger in his eyes. "Because you pity me? Because you think I need your help?"

"You need somebody, Erik," I argue. "Everyone needs somebody. I know what it feels like to-"

Erik rises from his chair and advances towards me furiously. I gulp back fear.

"You don't know how I feel!" Erik yells, his voice's power making me shudder. "You have no idea!"

"You're not the only one who's gone through pain in your life!" I step closer to Erik, feeling confident.

"Oh, really?" He says in a mocking tone. "And what have you gone through, Princess?"

"Both of my parents are dead!" I throw my arms up and step even closer to him. "I've been attacked by others! I've considered killing myself!"

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