Chapter 10: Identity

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Raeann's POV

During breakfast the next morning, Erik and I sit in our usual seats at the table in the kitchen. I clear my throat, ready to bring up my plan.

"Yes, Raeann?" Erik smiles and I return it. Leaving here will be painfully difficult.

"Erik," My voice cracks as soon I start to speak, so I clear my throat and begin again. "Erik... I've been thinking. And... I can't stay here forever, right?"

I glance up at Erik, who looks hesitant and sad. He slowly nods his head and sighs.

"Well, I've come up with a plan of what to do," I begin. "But it includes me leaving... today..."

"I see," Erik hangs his head in disappointment. Is he that upset I'll be gone?

"I'm meeting my... supply person today," Erik frowns. "I can find a way to get you out of the woods after that."

"Alright," I look down and out of the corner of my eye, I watch Erik shake his head slightly. Those sadness swimming in those brown eyes I've grown so fond of has doubled, and I feel terrible for putting him through this.

I really like him, but I know I have to leave. He loves somebody else, and I can't stay here forever.

"Erik, thank you," I smile sadly and see Erik close his eyes so he doesn't meet mine.

"Thank you for everything," I continue. "You saved my life, gave me shelter, and in the past few days I've gotten to know you. You've been a true friend, and I can't repay you for that."

"You don't have to," Erik raises his head and his eyes settled on me. "You're the first person to touch me without fear. To call me their... friend." He says the word "friend" as though it's foreign.

"I still don't understand how anybody can fear you," I give a weak smile. "You're one of the most caring people I've ever met."

Erik simply shakes his head and crosses his arms. "I'm not. I would have left anybody else in the woods."

"You wouldn't have." I scrunch up my nose playfully.

"Trust me, I would have," Erik exhales.

"Alright," I raise an eyebrow. "Even if you would have, why am I any different?"

Erik inhales sharply and quickly stands, his knees smacking against the table on his way.

"I have to go," he studies his wristwatch for effect. "I'll be late for Madame Giry."

I watch, dumbfounded, as Erik pulls on his cloak and hat. He gives me a final glance before shutting the door behind him.

What was that about? Madame Giry?

I wrestle with my mind for a minute. Giry... That name sounds familiar. I sigh, deciding that I can't possibly know the name.

I lift myself out of the chair and absentmindedly rub my fingers over my stomach, feeling the stitches I had forgotten about.

I begin wandering around the house and before I know it, I find myself standing in the middle of the music room. The hardwood floor is cold beneath my bare feet. I sit down at the bench and run my fingers over the smooth keys.

My mind dwells as I start to play One Summer's Day from Spirited Away. I picture Erik in my mind and bask in the image of the tall masked man that's been my friend. I will miss him deeply, and I know that my feelings for him have grown significantly.

Will he miss me, too? I know that he will based on his reaction when I told him the plan. Plus, he said that I was the first person to acknowledge him as a friend of touch him "without fear."

Without fear. I can't wrap my mind around it. Although his appearance is dark and intimidating, and I'm aware of his deformity, I know that Erik is gentle, kind, sensitive, and altogether brilliant. He's stolen my heart and while it hurts, I wouldn't change it for the world.

My song ends all too soon, so I stare blankly at the wall. I zone out and daydream about my experiences with the masked man. Especially when he had almost kissed me.

"Dang it, Erik," I mumble angrily. "Why did you pull away? I would have gladly kissed you back."

And I would have, had he not backed away. He needs to know how much I yearn to be close to him. But he can't.

Sighing in anger and sadness, I stand and decide to explore some more. There are a few rooms upstairs I haven't seen. After walking aimlessly, I open a door to a room that I conclude is Erik's.

The walls of this room are a blood red, and furniture made of dark-colored wood fills it. The bed rests against the wall across from the door, and plain white sheets neatly cover it. Next to the door is a cluttered desk, piled high with papers much like the one in the parlor.

Getting closer, I notice that these papers didn't have music notes, but pencil marks instead. Graphite lines on the crisp white paper form a very lifelike image of a young brunette.

I pick up a paper and carefully examine it, gazing at the familiarity of the young woman. Her curly hair and stunning eyes, perfectly captured on the paper, remind me of someone I've seen before.

I flip over the paper to see faint pencil marks forming letters. Christine Daae. Where have I heard the name?

The memories of the article and interviews about the infamous Phantom of the Benedum flood back and I gasp. Christine Daae was the violinist's daughter, the one in Il Muto. The one that disappeared and mysteriously resigned.

Giry... I remember that a particular interview I saw before I ran away was with a petite, scared, blonde ballerina named Meg Giry. Her mother had been the ballet instructor at the Benedum.

But why does Erik know her? Why is he drawing Christine? I gasp and shake my head in realization.

"No," I breathe. "He can't be the Opera Ghost. He can't..."

I stop talking and draw the connecting lines in my head. Erik told me that he's from Pittsburgh, where the Benedum is. He's been here for five months and the Opera Ghost disappeared five months ago. Plus he's writing an opera and he's a musical genius. He's used to being alone and hasn't been shown much compassion.

And the ghost killed a stagehand...

"Erik wouldn't kill somebody," I reassure myself. "Would he?"

I feel like I'm about to pass out. I've been living with a murderer. I've befriended a murderer. I've been telling a murderer personal things about myself.

"I've fallen in love with a murderer," I gasp and back up until I hit the door, dropping the picture on the floor. "Oh my God, what am I going to do?"

Why hasn't he killed me yet? What if that's been his plan all along? He's probably plotting my death...

"No," I say confidently. As horrified as I am, I've always trusted Erik. Something him, those sad, lonely eyes, makes me want to be near him. Not out of pity or fear, but out of love.

I still have to leave. No matter how strong my feelings are towards Erik, I know he's killed. I can't risk my life over this. No matter how much I long to.

A. N. Hey! Another update! I'm sorry this one is so short, but I've been busy lately and this is all I could manage to type this late at night. Proofreading isn't fun at ten thirty, so I apologize for errors.

So Raeann realized that Erik is the ghost... There's more action coming up soon, and I've already started working on the ending for this book! I'm really excited about how it's turning out!

Oh and has anybody out there seen Spirited Away? That's my favorite Studio Ghibli movie, and I adore the song One Summer's Day!

I'll update as soon as possible! -Maddy

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