Chapter 22: The Plan

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Nadir's POV

Just as I sit down on my couch, my phone rings. I'm quick to answer it, especially after I see that Anne Giry's the one who's calling.

"Hello, Madame?" I answer anxiously. It's been a while since she's called, so I know it's something important.

"Nadir, it's urgent," Her worried voice comes from the other end.

"What is it, then?" I ask, knowing it most likely has to do with a certain masked friend of mine.

"Erik kidnapped someone."

"Again?" I sigh. I'd think after all he went through with Christine, he'd learn better.

"I'm afraid so," She sighs as well. "Her name is Raeann, and she went missing about a week ago. I would get the police involved, but..."

"I am the police."

"Yes, but you're also Erik's friend," She continues. "We can't let Erik get punished for this. I care too much about him to let that happen, even though he's a pain sometimes."

"Certainly," I say in agreement. "So, what are we going to do about this?"

"I don't know where his house is," she informs me. "As you know, I give him supplies. I believe his house is about an hour's walk from the spot we meet at."

"Alright," I nod. "When will we act?"

"As soon as possible," She says grimly. "God knows what the girl's going through."


Raeann's POV

I smile and kiss Erik's cheek again. All we've been doing for the past hour is laying here, kissing and cuddling. I pull Erik even closer and snuggle into his chest, laughing quietly as he kisses the top of my head.

"I'm so lucky that I have you all to myself," I whisper to him and kiss his bare chest. He's so thin I can see his ribcage through his skin.

"That's not hard to accomplish," He kisses my hair again. "You're the only person who can bare to be around me."

"I don't bare to be around you," I pull away and look into his deep eyes. "I love being with you."

"I don't know how you can't see what I see," I continue, kissing him on the mangled cheek. "You're so beautiful."

"You're the beautiful one," He runs his fingers through my hair. "And I will never stop loving you."

"I'll never stop loving you either," I promise. "If we're ever seperated, I'll search the world for you."

"You won't have to. I'll never let that happen."

"My beautiful Erik," I kiss his head and sigh happily. Everything is perfect.

"I wish I would have told you my feelings earlier," I take his bandaged hand in mine. "This wouldn't have happened."

"Don't blame yourself, mon ange parfait," He kisses my forehead. "You did nothing wrong."

"What was that French for?"

"My perfect angel," I watch his face turn red, and mine does also.

"You are quite the romantic," I giggle.

"Anything for you, mon amour," He pulls me closer, and I don't protest.

"Je t'aime," I whisper softly. It's one of the only things I recall from French class.

"Je t'aime, mon bel ange," Erik replies in his deep, beautiful voice. I'm completely his.


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