The Fortuneteller

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If you see a chapter post in the wrong order then that would just mean that I was done with it already and I post it, bear with me if I said that I make sure that I use every episode in this book for each chapter. But I gonna try my best.

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Katara: Look! (Pointing to the fish)

Sokka looks back at the fish jumping in and out

Sokka: He's taunting us. You are so going to be dinner.

Sokka grabs the fishing pole and tosses the rope in the water Except there was no rope attached to the fishing pole.

Sokka: Hey where's the fishing line?

Aang: (Looks up) Oh I didn't think you would need it Sokka.

Sokka: Ah it's all tangled!

Aang: Not tangled, woven. (To Katara) I made you a necklace Katara. I thought since you lost your other one...

Suhara: Oh how sweet. (Chuckles)

Katara smiles and walks towards Aang.

Katara: (Takes the necklace) Thanks Aang, I love it.

Sokka: Great Aang, maybe instead of saving the world you can go into the jewelry making business

Aang: I don't see why I can't do both.

The fish jumps out again and Sokka the fishing pole at it, but he missed.

Sokka: Stop tauting me!

Sokka gets out his knife and chases it in the water.

Katara: So how do I look?

Aang turned around in shock.

Suhara: You look great Katara.

Aang: You mean all of you or just your neck? I mean because they both look great.

Sokka: Smoochie smoochie. Someone's in love.

The fish slipped Sokka and dive back into the water.

Aang: I well-

Katara: Stop teasing him Sokka. Aang's just a good friend, a sweet little guy just like Momo.

Aang: Thanks.

They then hear a strange noise. Momo flies off towards it, Suhara quickly following with Aang right behind him and they see that someone is being attacked by a platypus bear.

Aang: Someone's being attacked by a platypus bear!

The platypus bear was swinging its claw left and right trying to get the human, but he keeps dodging the bear's attacks.

???: Well, hello there. (Bear swings at him, the man dodges) Nice day, isn't it?

Aang: Make noise, it'll run off!

Sokka: No, play dead, he'll lose interest!

The bear swings and misses again.

???: Whoa! Close one. Hahaha.

Katara: Run downhill!

Suhara: Just climb a tree!

Sokka: No, punch him in the bill!

Aang: And then run in zigzags!

???: No need. It's going to be fine.

The bear swings again, swiping a large chunk of wood out of a nearby tree as the calm man ducks just in time. Aang then decided he needed to help this man, who knows how long he'll be stuck here avoiding this bear's attacks. Aang shoots into the air from off his nearby rock up over the head of the bear. He lands, putting himself between the calm man and the bear, and air blends up a wall of air that momentarily pushes the beast backward.

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