The Boy in the Iceberg

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The main storyline of Avatar: the Last Air-Bender.

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Sokka and Katara were sitting upon a small boat, each wearing a protective coat to keep them from freezing. in the Antarctic lands that are the Southern Water Tribe.

Sokka: (Holding a spear) It's not getting away from me this time. (To Katara) Watch and learn, Katara. This is how you a fish.

Katara, looking towards the fishing spot they were in, spotted the silhouette of a small fish. The young lass removes her gloves as she breathes in staring into the water as she started motioning her hand as the water moves at her command, raising the fish up encased in an orb of water.

Katara: (Amazed) Sokka look!

Sokka: Shh, Katara. You're gonna scare it away. Mmm. I can already smell Suhara cooking it.

Katara: (Moving the fish around the air) But, Sokka, I caught one!

She levitates the water-encased fish above Sokka's head. He raises his fishing spear and "accidentally" pops the water orb, causing the fish to get away.

Sokka: Hey! Why is it that every time you play with magic water, I get soak?

Katara: Ugh, it's not magic, it's water bending, and it's-

Sokka: Yeah, yeah. An ancient art, unique to our culture, blah blah blah... Look, I'm just saying that if I had weird powers, I'd keep my weirdness to myself.

Katara: (Folding her arms) You're calling me weird? I'm not the one who makes muscles of myself every time I see my reflection in the water.

Since neither of them was paying attention to where they were heading, they bumped against a small sheet of ice, causing their boat to tumble a tad, earing a scared yell from each of them. To add ore their misfortune, they were bumped directly towards a stream of water, aggressively taking them, and their boat downstream.

Sokka quickly sits down and grabs an oar to keep the boat stable as Katara sat down to even out the balance.

Katara: Watch out! Turn left! Go left!

However, much to Sokka's dismay, many other sheets were closing in on them, causing boat the to get pushed around as it crashed against the multiple obstacles, and finally, their boat gets sandwiched between two sheets, causing it to break. Fortunately, the two siblings were able to climb towards one of the sheets to avoid drowning.

Looking around, they see nothing but a large field of ice sheets. They both sit on the sheet that they were standing on, and Katara spoke.

Katara: You call that left?

Sokka: You don't like my steering. Well, maybe you should have water bent us out of the ice.

Katara: (Standup) Oh, so it's my fault

Sokka: Ugh. I knew I should've left you home. Leave it to a girl to screw things up! I should've brought Suhara with me and help fish, and have you to stay behind and take care of the village.

Katara: Excuse me?! You are the most, sexist, immature, nut-brained... Ugh! I'm embarrassed to even be related to you!

Unknownst to her, while she was moving her arms in frustration, the water behind her was moving as well.

Katara: Now while Suhara might've been a better choice, he shouldn't leave the village because his wounds aren't healed completely! So you, Sokka, are stuck with me! Ever since mom died, I've been doing all the work around the camo, while you've been off playing soldier! And I didn't even get a nudge of help until we found Suhara two weeks ago!

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