Western Air Temple

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Appa was still in his armor and the rest of the group was walking slowly on a rocky and barren land with the sun blazing above their heads. Toph has her head down, trudging along with Haru and Sokka walking behind her with their eyes closed. Suhara was right beside her, carrying his helmet against his hip. Ghidorah sat inside it. Sheba, finally out of her armor, walks beside him. Aang was walking tiredly with Momo resting on his head with a similar expression. Teo was wheeling his wheelchair with The Duke following behind him. Both of them were hanging their heads down dejectedly. Katara was walking beside her brother with the same expression as the rest of the group.

Katara: This is humiliating.

Sokka: Do you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation, (Katara turns her head toward her brother) or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple?

Katara: (Turns her head back) Both.

Aang: Sorry guys, but Appa (He stretches his hand out and affectionately scratches the area under Appa's eye) gets tried carrying all these people

Teo: I wonder how the rest of the troops are.

Haru: They're probably on their way to a prison. Seems like my dad just got out, now he's going back in.

Suhara: I should how the Earth Kingdom troops would be, but I can't imagine the heat of a Fire Nation prison being easy on the Southern Water Tribesman warriors. Or even on Curtis.

Sheba whimpers sympathetically.

Suhara: (Pats the Polar Bear Dog's head) I know, girl, I miss him too. I hope he's okay.

The Duke: I miss Pipsqueak.

Sokka: I miss not having blisters on my feet.

Toph suddenly stops. She has a relieved expression on her face.

Toph: Hey, we're here. I can feel it.

The group stops near the edge of a cliff.

Katara: Uh, I think your feet need their eyes checked.

Aang: No, she's right, (Sokka looks up at Aang, stunned) we are here.

Sokka looks around and brings up both his arms to show that he can't see anything. While just Suhara realize where it was.

Toph: Wow, it's amazing.

~ ~ ~

The group came to an hourglass-shaped fountain.

Suhara: I have to say, Aang. You airbenders really know how to make fun with laws of gravity.

Teo: It's so different from the Northern Air Temple. I wonder if there are any secret rooms.

Haru: (Running off) Let's go check it out.

The Duke and to as they enthusiastically make their way in the same direction. Aang ran after them but was stopped by Katara who blacks him with his staff.

Katara: You guys go. (Aang catches his glider and Katara lays a hand on his shoulder) I think we need to talk about some things.

Teo: I'll race you, Duke.

The Duke: (Annoyed) I told you, it's "The Duke".

Haru and The Duke proceed to run after Teo.

Aang: Why can't I go?

Katara: We need to decide what we're gonna do now. And since you're the Avatar, maybe you should be a part of this.

Aang leans his staff against a slightly broken-down bench and sits down. Suhara walks over to a bag he had gotten off of Appa and takes out a bowl. He holds it up to Katara and she bends some water into it from the fountain. Suhara sets it on the ground and Sheba began lapping it up.

Earth and Fire [Toph Beifong x OC]Where stories live. Discover now