Lake Laogai

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Sokka was lying on his stomach, working intently on yet another sketch of Appa. A little bit away, Suhara sits on the floor, sketching in his notebook, while Toph lays her head on his chest, smiling. Katara and Aang rush in through the front door.

Katara: We found a printer to make our posters. (Holds up a poster with an expert rendition of Appa, and dense script, while Aang smiles and points to it)

Sokka: Hey, I thought designing "the lost Appa poster" was my job. I've been working all day on my Appa. (Holds up a crude drawing with a proud smile)

Aang: (Perplexed) Sokka, the arrow is on Appa's head. (Katara struggles to contain her laughter)

Sokka: (Pointing to the sketch) This is his head.

Katara: (Taking it to study up close) Why are feet coming out of it?

Sokka: (Snatching the sketch back indignantly) Those are his horns

Suhara: I was wondering why he had horns all over his body.

Sokka: (Hangs his head) I haven't seen him awhile okay?

Toph (Ironically) It looks just like him to me.

Sokka: (Flattered) Thank you, I worked really... (Realization sets in)Why do you feel the need to do that.

Katara: Let's just stick with the professional version.

Sokka: Grrrr! (Violently rips the drawing to tiny shreds)

Aang: (Enthusiastically) Come on, let's get busy! (Holds up two stacks of leaflets)

~ ~ ~

Katara and Sokka were playing a card game on the wooden table Toph lied on her back nearby, bouncing a small ball off of the wall. Suhara was sitting on a chair, reading a book. Aang and Momo burst through the front door. Both approach the table.

Aang: I just finished dropping all the leaflets. Has anyone come in with news about Appa?

Katara: (Studying her cards) It's only been a day, just be patient.

Aang settles to rest his chin on the table dejectedly. A moment later there was rapping on the front door.

Aang: (Popping up eagerly) Wow, you're right! Patience really pays off. (Rushes to open the door) Joo Dee?!

Joo Dee: (With her usual eerie grin and careful speech) Hello, Aang and Katara and Sokka and Suhara and Toph.

Sokka: What happened to you? Did the Dai Li throw you in jail?

Joo Dee: (Dismissively) What, jail? Of course not. The Dai Li are the protectors of our cultural heritage.

Toph: But you disappeared at the Earth King's party.

Joo Dee: Oh, I simply took a short vacation to Lake Laogai, out in the country. It was quite relaxing.

Katara: But then they replaced you with some other woman who also said her name was Joo Dee.

Joo Dee: I'm Joo Dee.

Aang: Why are you here?

Joo Dee: (Pulling out leaflet) Dropping flyers and putting up posters isn't permitted within the city. Not without proper clearance.

Sokka: (Annoyed) We can't wait around to get permission for everything.

Joo Dee: (Cheerfully grinning) You are forbidden by the rules of the city to continue putting up posters.

Aang: (Red-faced and steaming with frustration, shouting) WE DON'T CARE ABOUT THE RULES, AND WE'RE NOT ASKING PERMISSION!!! (Flailing his arms in an outrage, starting to back an alarmed Joo Dee out the front door) We're finding Appa on our own and you should just stay out of our way! (Slams door shut)

Earth and Fire [Toph Beifong x OC]Where stories live. Discover now