The Day of Black Sun

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The episode; The Day of Black Sun is in parts and I thought it would be a waste of space to make two chapters so I made it to be one really big chapter.


The Invasion


The Day of the invasion has risen. Sokka studies the maps that are laid out in front of him, his hand holding his chin in thought. He rubbed his forehead. Katara hands him a drink and rested her hand on his back. Suhara was practicing with his sword. Out of the blue, four jets of flames shot out of the blade, without him having to ignite it.

Aang: (Happily hopped out) Top of the morning, Momo.

Katara: (Turning to Aang) Sounds like you slept well.

Aang: Like a baby moose lion. I'm ready to face the Fire Lord.

Toph: So what's your strategy for taking him down? (Gestures with waving her hand in front of her eyes) Going to get your glow on and (Jab punches) hit him with a little Avatar State action?

Aang: (Looks down) I can't. When Azula shot me with lightning, my seventh chakra was locked, cutting off my connection to all the cosmic energy in the universe.

Suhara: You had me at; Azula shot you with lightning.

Toph: You know what I just heard? Blah-blah spiritual mumbo jumbo, blah-blah something about space.

In the distance, the heroes see the fog rolling in.

Katara: Oh no, Sokka, Suhara, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?

Sokka: No. That is the invasion.

The fog dissipates as the ships were hidden inside come to the dock that Aang and Toph earth bended. Katara and Sokka went up to their dad.

Katara: (Hugs her dad) You made it, Dad!

Sokka: Were you able to locate everyone I told you to find?

Hakoda: I did. But I'm a little worried, Sokka. (Turning to the swamp benders that came out of the ship) Some of these men aren't exactly the warrior type.

Due and Tho step off the ship

Due: Whoo-whee. This place ain't nothing like a swamp. (Point at a rock) What'd you reckon that is, Tho? Some sort of Fire Nation exploding trap that would eat ya?

Tho: It's just a rock, Due.

Due: Well, I'll be.

Hakoda: Is it just me, or are those fella's a little loose in the leaf hat?

Bato: (Coming from behind) I just wish they would wear pants.

Hue: Pants are an illusion, and so is death.

Suhara waits for a few seconds before seeing Curtis step off of a ship with Sheba. He ran over to him.

Suhara: Curtis!

The swordsman looked over and smiles when he realizing it's his student.

Curtis: Suhara!

Suhara hugs him before stepping back. Almost immediately, Sheba jumps up, placing her paws on his chest, pushing him down onto the ground.

Suhara: Hey, girl.

From Sheba's back, Ghidorah bows to Curtis. Curtis returned the same gesture. Sheba finally jumps off and Suhara gets up.

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