The Awakening

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It's been weeks since Ba Sing Se had fallen. The team had taken a Fire Nation ship and were currently using it as a disguise of sorts. Everyone wore Fire Navy uniforms. Suhara was currently staring off into the distance on the front of the ship as the sun was setting.

Curtis: Y'know, that Earth Kingdom girl is waiting for you to read to her.

Suhara turns around to see Curtis approaching him with Sheba.

Curtis: Is she the one from your visions?

Suhara: Yeah, she is.

Curtis: Then you're ready for training?

Suhara: Yeah, but do you mind if we start tomorrow? I got to get used to being in this fire bender uniform.

Curtis: I know you don't like it, but-

Suhara: It's not that I don't like it, it's that I'm not used to the armor. Got to get used to moving in it.

Curtis: I thought you hated the Fire Nation?

Suhara: I do. But this armor isn't a symbol of the Fire Nation, it is the symbol of a fire bender. Most wear it as a disgrace to the title, but I'll wear it with honor.

Curtis: I'm glad.

Ghidorah flies from the upper deck and lands on his shoulder.

Ghidorah: What are you doing out here so late?

Suhara: Having a talk with my other master.

Ghidorah looks to Curtis before doing the Fire Nation's bow to him. Curtis replies with the Water Tribe equivalent.

Curtis: It's good to meet Suhara's fire bending master.

Ghidorah: (To Curtis; sounding like growling) Likewise

Suhara: (Translating for Curtis) "Likewise."

Ghidorah nods from Suhara's shoulder and onto Sheba's back. Sheba yips happily and begins running around the deck, jostling Ghidorah around. Curtis and Suhara laugh.

Curtis: So, you still have my dagger?

Suhara: Yep. I would never get rid of it. Besides, it's served me well. Just like you said it would.

Curtis: I was talking to Sokka earlier, and he was telling me about your bending technique. He says some of your attacks seem very... Inspiring.

Suhara: By other forms of bending. I use earth bending techniques for surprise attacks, I use water bending techniques to redirect fire blasts and lighting, and I'm working on some air bending techniques.

Curtis: You're just like your father, learning from other forms of bending.

Suhara: You knew my father?

Curtis: We've met a few times. He's a good man, especially for a former Fire Nation general. You take after him in a lot of ways. You should be proud of that.

Suhara: I am. (Stretches and yawn) I should probably get some rest.

Curtis: That would be a good idea. See you in the morning.

~ ~ ~

Suhara exchanges a blow with Curtis early the next morning. Surprisingly, he hasn't stopped him to talk about technique in the hour they've been at it. Toph has been sitting off to the side, "watching" them closely. Suddenly, they hear a loud crash on the deck and stop. The two swordsmen look over while Toph goes to Katara. They see Aang has fallen and landed on the deck.

Aang: (Confused) Momo?

Momo chirps happily and leaps toward him. Aang picks himself off the floor as Momo jumps onto his shoulders and licks his cheek.

Earth and Fire [Toph Beifong x OC]Where stories live. Discover now