Cold And Heartless

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Note: Which one is your favorite running gag in 'South Park'? 🤣🤣
* OMG! They killed Kenny!!
* You bastards!
* Screw you, guys. I'm going home
* Kick the baby/don't kick the goddamn baby
* Jokes (Kenny's deaths, conformist/poser...etc.)
* They took our jobs
* Mr. Mackey's 'mm-kay'
* You are GROUNDED!! (Butter's father)
* Okay, children. Let's take our seats.
* Wendy Testaburger's'eww!' (Stan vomiting)
* Suck my balls!
* Cartman's piggy squealing
* Alright, that does it (screw you, guys)
* Craig Tucker's middle finger
* I'm Scott Malkinson and I have diabetes
* Alien visitor cameos
* Buddy/Friend/Guy (Canadians)

Good news! 'South Park' is running slowly and it's still continues on season 25.

"Everybody is always blocking around like a bunch of conformists. They are like zombies raising to their graves." - Michael

"Goths darkness is nihilistic, whereas emo is cynical." - Pete Thelman

"So I cast my body into trails of blood, the knife pierces deep. Deep into my lonely eyes so I can see this black world no more." - Henrietta Biggle

"If they get me, and I come back emo, kill me." - Firkle Smith

Your POV

I was born with a cold heart. The people just didn't know why I exist here in the first place like rubbing on my own face. I am strong inside but in the outside, I am weak to fight back against my enemies. Being cornered and surrounded by idiots everywhere, all over the whole world.

How I have grown to be a good girl with a heart of gold and show my compassion. No, I grew up with hate, arrogance and rudeness towards everybody because of my sheer cold heart like a stone. Walking on eggshells under my feet, I pretended that I don't have one, just to hide it or laughing through the pain.

Who cares? It's not like that is a bad thing. is a bad thing and the worst of it too. These people are on their own, not mine. I can't have fun in my life. I can't play or enjoy anything. Heck, even though I put myself in a twist. I cannot express the way I used to be and not wanting to talk about my feelings.

When I am cold-hearted, the look on my face means nothing to which I can't feel anything at all. Not even a little bit. Everytime I went through a lot of encounters and many accidents countless times, I deserved what I have gotten. What if I was right? I have no feelings or emotions in my heart.

My entire world is all black and white like an old film during the war. I can't feel happiness, anger, sadness, excitement, fear, love...etc. Some of it I am not really attached to. All of it are completely blank, mute and nothing. I cannot describe them what I have felt. My heart is as cold as ice. I become emotionless or from the word, 'expressionless'.

It means nothing to me. The emotions I have felt in my heart are the negative ones. Abandoned, control, betrayed, despair, moody...and so on. Some questions appeared in my head such as, 'who am I?', 'why am I here?', 'what if I never existed?'...or any stuff like that on the bane of my own existence.

Life become so hard that I was unable to move on. I tried over and over, but then I refused and give up the challenge. It felt like I got kicked out of town or is it....because I didn't technically graduate on my class. Still, I just hate it so much. I am not going there and that is FINAL!! A rebellious look in my eyes, it makes me so angry they've gone too far. 😡😡 🔥🔥

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