Travel 4 : Crush and passion

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So, from here the real story begins*squeals* yeah hereafter you will get to see Nithya's pov and going to
know a lot about her.

Nithya's pov:

When Nithya is 16 yrs old....

" Years may pass and you will grow up into a adult one day and you have to carry a lot of problems in your shoulders but one day when you see those pictures of yourself in school uniform with your friends it will bring that smile on your face along with some unshed tears"




"Urghhh... I feel like i slept just now but it's already 4 am" I groaned and woke up.

You may wonder why do i have to wake up this early *sighs heavily* damn exams! I have to study my whole syllabus now that I postponed yesterday night to study later.

Sighing i sat up in my bed but my eyes started to drooping again.

'Just 2 more min! Yeah i will sleep for just 2 more minutes then i will get my motivation to study. Yes great!' i said to myself and started to go back to my dreamland.

1 hr later,


I got up again and looked at the wall clock in my room. My eyes widened realising that i overslept again.

Omg! I have my exam in 3 hrs and i still have to study 5 more lessons in physics.

I got up hurriedly from my bed and went inside bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face before getting my books to study the left out portions.

When i sat down and opened my book the door to my room opened and my Satan of a brother entered inside. No ofcourse he is not here to encourage me.

I know why he is here.

"Ohh Nithu! Are you studying? paavam nee" he said with a teasing look on his face.
(Paavam nee means I pity you)

I glare at him and took the pen that is beside me to throw at him. He dodged it easily and smirked at me.

"Okay! My job is done here, I feel sleepy, i can go and continue my sleep peacefully now" he yawned and turned his back to me.

I looked at him horrified "you came here just to irk me more" i asked him with a shocked expression in my face.

"Ofcourse that's why i came here. Remember what you did when i was studying for my semester exams" he looked at me accusingly.

Did i informed you all that he is studying his master's in computer science engineering. Yes he is doing his first year master course. I mean he 22 years old now. Can you believe 22! but still fighting with me.

"I didn't do anything. I just came to your room to give you some motivation that day" i told him.

"Yeah yeah that's why you came! I know" he said rolling his eyes.

" Whatever now please get out from my room i have to study" i yelled at him.

"Okay okay calm down i am going" he chuckled and went to his room.

I sighed and started to study now.

20 minutes into studying i wondered 'why the hell do they even created this much big theories for kirchhoff's law, Newton's law, and Ohm's law'

I regret choosing science group now.

It's not like i am a worst student and i am neither a best student. I am a average student. I love studying other subjects except Maths and physics. They are so much confusing to remember during exams.

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