Travel 8 : Unexpected surprise

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Before starting this chapter, i have to thank you all for the continuous support for my story and now this story reached 1k+ reads.

I can't express how much happy i am to see this and i feel so overwhelmed. I love you all soo damnn muchhh 😭


So let's continue with the story now!!!

Nithya's pov :
"Failures never determine your worth so never give up because of this simple hindrances."

"I want you guys to write a assignment on difference between organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry, it should atleast contain 10 pages and i need it to be submitted by tomorrow evening." my classmates started whining disapprovingly at our chemistry teacher but she is not the one to take pity on us when it comes to homework and assignments. So she just ignores their complaints and continues to explain about today's topic.

Actually i am not at all complaining because chemistry is my favourite subject, it is far better than physics. I looked down at my note which is filled with chemistry equations and formulas, i smiled contently when i finished taking down all the important points my teacher taught us today.

Rithika, a girl from my class who is sitting beside me for this class didn't even hesitate for a second to snatch the note from my hand and starts to copy everything in her note.

I rolled my eyes at her before turning my head back to the front where my teacher is arranging all our answer sheets in the table which is placed infront of our classroom.

Suddenly all the brightness from my face dimmed and now my face appears nervous. I didn't expect our chemistry teacher to distribute our answer sheets, shit. Our class teacher is the one who distributes our exam papers and reveals the mark everytime but seems like the roles are exchanged now.

The whole class turned mute and is totally contrasting from how it looked few minutes back. Few students look anxious while few looks excited and there are also people who seems unbothered. Well i am both anxious and excited about getting to know about my marks.

We were all looking at the teacher expectantly when she announced "Okay students, your class teacher Ms.Sharmila is the one who distributes your answer sheet regularly but toady she has some other work to take care so i am the one who is going to distribute your answer sheets from last exam which is corrected and marked with totals" she told while i couldn't control my leg from tapping on the floor because of my anxiety. "Also our school management has introduced a new rule this time" she told and paused to see our reaction.

My brows furrowed with confusion after hearing this news. I turned my head backwards and saw Shruthi sitting in one of the bench at backside. I looked at her questioningly and hopefully to see whether she knows what our teacher is talking about because her father is one of a participant in our school management but she just shook her head in a no confirming that she does not know what our teacher is referring so dramatically this time. I swear this lady loves to keep us all in a edge.

I turned back and saw that our teacher possess a happy look on her face. Huh uh, if a teacher is happy then it is definitely not a good news for the students.

"Okay okay calm down students, don't discuss so seriously. If only you guys show that much interest in your studies" she rolled her eyes at us before continuing " the new rule is that all your answer sheets is not only present with your marks but all your percentage in each subjects is also tagged along with it" everyone sighed along with me because this doesn't seem like such a big issue until our teacher opened her mouth again.

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