Travel 10 : Disappointment

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Nithya's Pov :

I woke up with an enthusiastic and bright smile on my face. I couldn't control my excitement to share about everything that happened yesterday with my friends.

I jumped out of my bed with a squeal, after dancing like a crazy monkey i went directly to stand infront of my mirror. My face looks so lucent and i can't stop smiling the entire time when i took my bath today.

It just feels different today.

Will gautham talk with me toady in school?

Will we talk like yesterday?

i heard myself grinning like crazy inside my miniature sized bathroom again.

I shook my head and went back inside my bedroom after taking a bath with total giddiness, i should definitely control this stupid face infront of my parents or else that's it, i will be doomed.

Like usual i sported my school uniform, i took my mobile phone and saw some messages from my friends asking about what lunch i will be bringing today. My friends are totally obsessed with my mom's food.

I replied them that i still don't know about my afternoon feast and left my phone inside my room because phones are not allowed in our school. It's not like others will not bring it but still i just don't want to risk anything. It's better to keep my phone in my home rather than getting caught and losing my phone to the authorities.

Aroma of breakfast swayed me to the side of kitchen. When i entered inside i saw my mom taking out freshly made poori and potato curry from the bowls and kept everything in two plates for me and my brother.

I didn't even hesitate for a second to scoop my plate away and started eating.

My brother came outside his room freshly showered and looked at me with a disapproving glare.

"You can't even wait for me right? You just started stuffing your mouth like i am going to steal your breakfast or something" he mocked me to which he just earned a shrug from my side.

"For your kind information, i am getting late and i don't have enough time to wait for a useless fellow like you" i said nonchalantly.

"And for your kind information, i don't waste my time arguing with stupid girls like you" he shot back.

I glared at him but let it slide this once because i want to have my breakfast without any disturbance. Priorities.

After finishing my breakfast without any remnants, i washed my hands and shouted everyone a goodbye and went towards riyaansh's house so that we can walk together to school today.

I missed that guy so much yesterday. Even it was just a day without spending time with him or seeing him, it already feels like a week. I didn't even get a chance to speak with him yesterday evening when i went to his home.

I was on the way to his house when i noticed him getting out from his place, he is waving at me enthusiastically with a bright smile on his face which i returned with a grin on my own.

When i reached him, i hit his head hardly.

"Oww! What the hell?!!" He winced and started rubbing his head.

"Now, don't 'what the hell' me Mr. Riyaansh. How dare you get sick and got escape from school without letting me know beforehand?" I asked him knowing well my question is silly. But why not?

"Yeah yeah next time i will schedule a meeting with my body and let you know when it is going to get impaired so that you'll also take leave from school along with me" he said sarcastically.

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