Travel 13 : Day ended well

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Nithya's pov :

"Explain" I said in a monotone with an impassive expression on my face.

He looked relieved for a second but later when he got the hint that i am not going to wait for him if he didn't speak out now, so he started his explanation with a hasty move.

"First of all, i owe you an apology..." He started and i chuckled sarcastically.

"Ofcourse you do" i said in a mocking tone to which he gave me an awkward smile.

I tilted my head sideways for him to continue without returning the smile .

'Okay Nithya stop with this overdramatic behaviours now' my mind upbraided me.

"I am really sorry for ignoring you today okay? I didn't do it intentionally..." i cut him off with a glare and he abruptly stopped his speech.

Deciding it's not going to take me anywhere if i keep glaring at him like that i nodded my head indicating him to continue.

"You won't stop me now again right?" He asked dubiously in a cautious manner.

"Yeah i won't, continue" i assured him with a tight smile on my face.

"Well.... We just got friends yesterday and i ignored you at school because i don't want people to just gossiping around about us" he looked at me for my reaction but i kept my face neutral without giving out any emotions on my face. "It''s just i don't talk with many girls except few of my classmates, to be honest i have never felt the need to be friends with a girl before until you because you are so cool and we both got along so well from the first moment. I cannot bear people spreading rumours about us and spoiling our friendship, and that's why i actually ignored you today afternoon because some of my guy friends were around me and they clearly seemed like waiting for the moment and kept it as task to know about us" he said and looked at me to gauge my reaction.

I tried to look at him composed and calm meanwhile my inner self is screaming me not to get convinced by this.

"Nithya... I know i shouldn't have pulled that stupid stunt without discussing with you, it might have hurt you for sure and i am really sorry for that. Hereafter i don't care about what they will say or talk, but just please give me another chance to prove that i can be a good friend. Please?" He asked me with a pleading look.

My instincts are telling me that nothing is going to end up good by this, that whatever happening right now is only going to get me hurt much more than what i have experienced before but still my heart is not listening to any of this.

What if i lost something good just because of i am being paranoid? What if everything ends up to be good? Hundreds of " what if's "started plaguing my mind.

It's okay Nithya, you can do it. Just one more chance and if he blews it up then that's it, you can back out then and never turn back to look at him. Even I am convincing myself I know it won't be that easy if I get more involved in this. But still i want to see where this goes. I don't want to miss out something because of my fears right?

I took a deep breath and started speaking.

"Okay. One more chance for you. Just one more and if you disrespect me or take me as granted again then you can say goodbye to your idea of being my friend. Got it?" I told him brazenly which even shocked myself for a second but i am not going to show that to him.

His eyes brightened at my comment and he started grinning happily, i was trying so hard to control my smile the whole time but when i saw him giving me one of his genuine smile, i lost it. Then my lips tilted upwards slowly which soon turned into a beaming smile. I know for sure that I look like a stupid at that moment for smiling and grinning at a guy who hurt me just today morning.

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