Travel 5 : Our Meeting

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Cute scenes ahead from this chapter *hides in a corner* hehe

Recap from last update : Nithya is 16 years old and is studying 11th grade right now, she just now completed her exams and having fun with her friends when riyaansh disclosed his surprise to everyone which made his friends happy. So now they are in canteen celebrating riyaansh's success..... that's when a "oh so called arrogant" guy knocked our Nithya and made her fall, Nithya was about to scold him when he turns around and reveals his face, and Nithya gets shocked because the "oh so called arrogant" guy is not so arrogant after all.

Nithya's pov:

"He is the one who has the power to give you butterflies and he is also the one who has the power to snatch it away"

I was so angry until he turned....

I was having a million curse words in my mind to use on him until he turned .....

Because instead of following my mind, my heart started beating heavily and i just stood there like a stupid staring at him like a creep.



Do something.....

Say something, anything other than just standing there like a fool

I was keep on muttering to myself but i couldn't shook myself to look away from those charming and pale brown eyes. Those eyes have the magic to make you admire them.While i was staring, he is just standing there..... awkward?

I am going to hit my head when i go back home because girlll you are making him uncomfortable. Look away! look away! you are going to embarrass yourself at this rate. I keep on telling myself.

I came out of my stupor when i hear Shruthika's voice calling me.

"Huh" i started and stopped myself. What was i planning to say to him when he turns around? Yeah, you were planning to use very beautiful words towards him, I thought to myself sarcastically.

I have to scold him for pushing me. I have to scold him for not even apologizing to me after knocking me down. But all I could do is stand their dumbstruck and wait for him to talk something.

He was about to say something when riyaansh came there and dragged me away from that place shouting something like "are you deaf? how many times do i have to call you" riyaansh is scolding me right now but i couldn't concentrate on that.

I was busy storing the image of his amusement filled smile when riyaa dragged me away.

When my mind finally registered my surrounding and came back to reality i realised that i missed a good chance again.... I could have atleast spoke with him this time!

Loosu Nithya! You got a perfect chance and spoiled it (loosu means crazy)

I turned back again to see what is his reaction to all these stupidities. I was expecting a comical look on his face. Damn it! I was even convinced that he must have walked away by now but instead of my expectations what i am seeing right now is totally not the thing i was expecting from him because he is still standing there ruffling his soft black hair with his fingers, wait wait....that's not the thing which surprises me because every single male species does that right? Nevermind. Back to the topic.

What surprises me is that he is looking at me with that twinkling eyes which is overflowing with curiosity. Curiosity to know what? Maybe who is this stupid girl? Yeah that might be the reason.

When he noticed me looking at him again, he chuckled and muttered a soft "sorry" to himself which i am guessing he was supposed to say to me, but he didn't say it because this stupid Riyaa spoiled it with his interruption.

Journey of Nithya Kumar (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now