Travel 11 : Familiar serial killer

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Nithya's Pov :


The urge to avoid or totally ignore the things which haunts you.

That's what I am trying to do right now. I am sitting on my school's old playground which was actually closed a long time back, they constructed a new one few years back and everyone forgot about this place existing, so i know no one visits here often except me. This is my comfort place whenever i feel like i need some space.

This is my hide place whenever i have the need to dodge my friend's questioning session. They might be worried sick about me right now because i skipped class, but i can't sit in the classroom without getting distracted with my mind full of unexplainable nagging.

I stopped crying a long time back, i am just sitting simply with my knees flexed towards my chest while my back is leaned on the wall behind me.

Times like this, when you feel like you are alone even when you are surrounded by all your loved ones. There are so many people but still you are left forlorn. I have a beautiful family, caring and understanding friends, then why the hell do i feel like i am so lost?

There is always something which keeps on bothering me and i can't pinpoint what i need or what i am craving for.

My eyes welled up with tears again but i shook my head to control myself from bursting out in tears. My eyes are swollen and reddened from the impact of my ugly crying few minutes back.

'get it back together nithya' i told myself again and again.

Resting my chin above my knees, i started picking some stones from the ground and arranged them according to their sizes. Atleast distracting my mind with this small things can help.

Thud Thud Thud

I frowned hearing the sound of footsteps nearing and lifted my head to come in contact with the still empty playground.

'Might be my imagination' i reassured myself and looked down back towards the half arranged stones and continued my silly game to divert my mind.

Thud Thud Thud

I heard the footsteps again and a strange paranoia appeared in my chest.

What if it's a serial killer? Is he targeting school girls who are sitting alone? Does he aim girls who always cry? Does he likes to kill girls with a weird character?

Thud Thud Thud

Just like that, all my tears were replaced by the terror of getting kidnapped by some serial killer. My throat dried imagining worst case scenarios happening to me. I still didn't get the courage to look up from the ground again.

What if this time it's not empty but some man with scars all over his face wearing a black dress stands in front of me?

'oh god no please no! I will do anything if you saved me from this child killing psycho, damn i will even visit temple daily to worship you' I prayed sincerely hoping the sounds will fade away but there is no use, i can still able to hear the sounds and now it is near me.

My breathing started to get uneven when i saw a mysterious shadow on the ground indicating that some one is standing above me.

'Wait! No one is allowed inside the school if they are not students or staffs, then how can here be a serial killer?' the rational part of my brain started kicking in and answered.

'You stupid! He is a serial killer not some ice cream vendor. Ofcourse he is experienced and know how to sneak in without anyone's awareness' that stupid part of my brain chimed in.

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