Travel 15 : Rewinding marathon

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Nithya's Pov :

As I am sitting and looking around me right now, it makes me feel at ease thinking that every little thing happening around us has their own reason for their occurance.

Like how something happened a few minutes back, a 5 years old boy who was playing with his friends and family, ran away to a little distance, seperating himself from his allies. When i noticed it, my eyes started roaming around the place and noticed that his parents were not aware of his absence and was seriously discussing about something.

I turned my attention back to that boy to ensure he is not running away anywhere, else he would get lost in the large mass of sand and population that is swirling around this beach today, as it is weekend.

I noticed him picking up shells from the sand, it brought a small smile to my face. I collect shells even till this age everytime I visit beaches. I just started collecting it as a souvenir when i visited here as a small kid with my family for the first time. But now, it kinda became a habit for me to do it regularly whenever i visit here.

I saw him picking up a big shell, he examined it closely to check whether it is original or some random garbage people threw inside the beach.

Smart kid.

If it was me in his situation at that age, I would have just shoved it in my list of collection instead of examining it this much. After his examination, i noticed him giving the shell a satisfying nod, which was so damn cute by the way, but what made it more beautiful was that cute little smile that adorned his face after he put that inside the little bag he was carrying around with him.

Aww, he is so cute.

I was giving his smile a biggest heart eyes the whole time that i didn't even notice when his legs started tripping by the sand and he fell forward. When i registered what was happening, i stood up immediately and ran towards the place where he was tripped down, still balancing himself using his hands, he supported himself by forcing all the pressure to his knees instead of falling head first.

When i was almost near him, i saw a little girl who was about the same age as him ran towards him and gave her hand for him to stand up. My feet stuck in place seeing the small interaction between them both. The frown that emerged on his face few minutes back, suddenly garnished with a small blush which also earned a small smile from the girl who was helping him.

The little boy's parents came running towards that place after a few seconds and started scanning his body for any injuries.

Throughout the whole time, the little girl who helped the boy stand up didn't leave his hand. I was able to see the hesitation in her eyes, i am pretty sure she was thinking that she is the saviour of him or something and if she leaves his hand then he is going to fall again.

Kids are so adorable and the most unintentionally kind hearted people in this world. They don't have any reasons or motive behind being kind and that's the most beautiful thing.

And after few minutes, two more adults came there and stood beside the little girl with a proud look on their face, i realized that they must be the little girl' parents. As the adult started some conversation and greetings, this little girl bent down on her knees and started rubbing the sand on the little boy's knee, when she noticed him wincing, she looked confused and helpless at first but then started blowing air on his wound.

Another blush came rushing towards his cheeks before that girl stood up again with a serious look on her face and rummaged through the small bag hanging down from her mother's arm. When that little girl took something out of her bag and secretly hid it behind her, the little boy tried to sneak a peek but she didn't allow him to look at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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