Travel 12 : Conflicts

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Nithya's pov :

Should I go?

No, i won't go today.

Wait what if mom gets suspicious? I should go then.

Are you going there to get embarassed again?

I sighed loudly, still sitting on my bed contemplating about going for the institution today. If i go there now, then i have to meet him which i am not at all prepared for myself to do. At the same time, if i take leave on my second day then it will definitely make my mom skeptical which will further lead to millions of questions from her.

Maybe it's better if i just go there and mind my own business instead of noticing him.

Yes, nithya you can do it. Just go there like yesterday, sit in your place and don't even turn towards the side he will be sitting today.

Yeah i can work it out. I chanted the same line inside my head for a few minutes before standing up and scuttling towards my bathroom to change from school uniform to something decent.

Before entering the bathroom i looked over to the small wall clock situated above my bed to confirm that i don't have enough time because it's already 5:20pm. I should be there at 6:00 pm so i should hurry up my process.

It took 5 minutes for me to take a quick bath so that i can get rid of those sweaty smell from my body.

What? Chennai heat sucks and no one can get home without getting covered with sweat. At the end of the day when you reach home in this heat, your body would be incapacitated. I shook my head to clear the thoughts of me transforming into a grilled chicken during summer and moved forward with my current task at hand.

Covering myself up with my favourite fluffy white towel, i stepped inside my bedroom with cautious steps so that i won't be falling down because of my wet feet.

Well I am just a clumsy girl. So it's better to be cautious.

I shrugged to myself and reached straight for my small wardrobe to select today's outfit.

I am not going to compromise for anyone, just because he is going to be there doesn't mean i should look like a ghost right? I am going to show him that his negligence doesn't affect me.

I nodded to myself before looking for an appropriate costume for the institution.

After a lot of conflicts, i settled with a casual white t-shirt which i paired up with a faded blue,high-waisted denim pant. Still hesitating to go outside I tugged the lower part of my t-shirt inside the pant, i felt confident enough to walk outside without hesitancy this time.

I grabbed my bag along with me before shouting out a short 'bye' to my mom and aunt.

Just before i walked outside my gate, i came face to face with Riyaa who looks like he had been standing there for a very long time.

Narrowing my eyes at him i started walking towards him.

"Are you waiting here for me?" I questioned him.

He nodded his head before answering "yeah i just wanted to give you some motivation" he added with a smirk.

"Motivation for what?" I asked him confusedly.

He looked at me bemused "well you were crying the whole afternoon today, so i thought you would be still depressed about it " he replied with a  shrug of his shoulders.

I smiled and replied "I am alright now, you don't have to spy on me everytime. You know that right?"

"I know i know but still i just wanted to check up on you" he grinned at me which i reciprocated whole heartedly.

Journey of Nithya Kumar (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now