Talking Tuesday

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~February 21st, 2017 at 4:30 PM~

    I was in my room with the blinds open and the lights turn off, having my phone vertically seeing chat moves as new chats came in. It a Twitch livestream of my most favorite content creator of all times: Tyler! I started to watch him today since I only knew him from YouTube and from a growing million subscribers youtuber named Markiplier.

    He was a friend of Tyler and their friendship made me adore them so much! They're like the best buddies in the whole wide world.

    Before watching him, I was a former fan of Markiplier. I absolutely liked his content and watches his videos since 2 years ago and as a ex-fan of him, I've never met him in person and seeing other fans meeting Mark in person with excitement and happiness made me so jealous. Because of this, I have strict parents who doesn't let me go to big conventions events such as PAX, PAX West, PAX East, PAX South, Comic Con & Vidcon!

    They only wanted me to stay in school and get a education, making me miss every events based on Mark attended each one! Ughhh! My dream was to meet him in person one day as a former fan. I was a fangirl.

    One year earlier, It is 2016 and I was still a Markiplier fan, watching his videos and commenting things under his videos telling him that I'm a huge fan of him and wanted to meet him so badly. I was a very happy person that Mark made the content he created just for us. We absolutely loved the Markiplier we know today. He is such a great entertainer to keep us happy.

    In December 2015, I was working on my homework for school which is for University by the way and suddenly got a notification from YouTube. It from Mark! It a new video called "Don't Laugh Challenge". Oh maaann, I absolutely these type of videos that absolutely made me laugh tho. I grab my phone and watch the video. While minutes through out the video, There was this girl with blonde hair and golden dyed on the bottom. As soon as Mark placed his hand on her shoulder, I realized that it his girlfriend!

    I was upset that mark find himself a girlfriend and didn't like her that much. I was sooo jealous that I mistakenly send a mean comment on the video. I use to be a fangirl of Mark and wishing myself to date him but that would be awkward and weird for me to do that. I was just a lonely and single person that I've never asked anyone on a date because I'm shy and didn't talk that much. I wish I found love right away in the future. Somebody who would be a perfect love interest...

     then it was this year,  It was January as for the new year and I was in Lecture, in class paying attention to the professor as they talk to us for a lesson. My phone buzzed. I reached into my back pocket and seeing a new notification from YouTube which reads from a new video from Markiplier called: Markiplier Bloopers 2016. Wow, can't believe mark uploaded a new video in 2017 that early. I'm gonna watch it in lunch.

~~In Lunch~~

    I take my phone out and then go to YouTube and watch it while eating my lunch. As the video goes on, There this one guy who caught my eye. This guy is really handsome, have beautiful curly brown hair, baby blue eyes, sometimes wear a beanie, many colored shirts and denim jeans in each clip showed. I was so confused and doesn't know who he is. People in the video including Mark called this guy's name "Tyler". I thought to myself, wow he really got a cool name for a pretty guy like him. So I decided to wait until the end of the school day to figure it out who he is in Mark's videos.

    As days goes by in January, I started to learn more who tyler is and watches the videos he appear in. then my interest to him started to increase little by little. Which I started to lose my interest to the Markiplier fandom and keep up with every posts & tweets that the Tyler guy engaged in.

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