Romance on Tour

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~March 3rd on the road to Atlanta Georgia~

~Author's Point of View~~

It been 3 whole days since the Teamiplier was in Memphis Tennessee. Their experience there was so emotional and there was beautiful moments to see: Jacob got to meet his favorite youtuber in the world for the first time since he was diagnosed with Leukemia by his doctor who does the diagnosis and now he peacefully passed away on February 28th, 2018. It really sad for the Teamiplier to see him go after getting several treatments and spending like 5 months at St. Jude. In the bus, Elena is sitting in the back all by herself while the others are in the living room area. She is sitting on the couches, listening to music just vibing to her favorite tejano singer: Selena Quintanilla Pérez. Elena haven't told anyone about the late tejano singer yet due to the fact that they don't know her very well and obviously the 27 year old from Texas.

She listening to one of the greatest songs that she can't stop listening to 24/7 and that is: Como La Flor, No Me Queda Más, Amor Prohibido, Bidi Bidi Bóm Bóm, El Chico Del Apartmento 512, Fotos Y Recuerdos, Baila Esta Cumbia and Dreaming Of You. Her favorite song ever is No Me Queda Más upon from this biggest hit list. She decided to sing this with all of her heart and soul. So she goes to Spotify, search up the song, and play it. She begin to sing after the instrumental started.

"No Me Queda Más.
Que perderme en un abismo
De tristeza y lágrimas
Que aguantar bien mi derrota
Y brindarte felicidad

No Me Queda Más
Si tu regreso hoy sería
una imposibilidad
Y esto que no era amor lo
que hoy niegas lo que
dices que nunca paso
es el más dulce recuerdos de mi vida

As she sings, in the living room area, everyone in the room were noticing the beautiful voice singing from the back of the bus so they decided to follow the voice that is on this bus. serenity on the other hand noticed the commotion but wanted to ignore what is going on. the Teamiplier walk slowly to the bunk area and listen to Elena singing with the sliding door open just a little.

"Yo Tenía una esperanza en el fondo
de mi alma que un día te
quedarás tú conmigo

Y un guardaba una ilusión que alimentó
el corazón
Mi corazón que hoy tiene
que verte como solo amigo

As she continue singing, Amy and Kathryn took out their phones and film elena singing. Tyler couldn't believe his eyes, watching the love of his life.

Y aunque viví enamorada y
totalmente equivocada
no me importa

porque esto si fue amor
por mi parte los más
lindo el mas grande amor!

while singing, she stood up from her spot and move around a little and move her body to the rhythm.

y aunque siempre lo renuncie para
mi fue lo mas bello

the instrumental part started to play as she slowly dances to the music and imagining herself in a beautiful long white sparkly dress in a train station singing out loud while the Los Dino's play their instruments behind her just like Selena did in her 1995 music video of that song.

yo tenía una esperanza en el
fondo de mi alma
que un día te quedarás
tu conmigo

y aún guardaba una ilusión
alimentaba el corazón
mi corazón que hoy tiene
que verte como solo amigo

Tyler started tear up a little as he listened to his girlfriend singing. Ethan giggles and patted Tyler's back to comfort him.

porque esto si fue amor
por mi parte lo más lindo
el mas grande amor
y aunque siempre lo
renuncies para mi!

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