A Evening with Tyler

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~October 14th at the mansion~

After minutes of thinking about what I'm gonna do to cheer Tyler up, I got an idea! I told Amy and Natalie that I'll be outside for a while just to get some fresh air. They both smiled and agree with me. One of them told me to return right back. I smiled at both women and stood up from my seat and went to the wine cellar. I grab two wine glasses and pick a red rosé flavored wine and pour some in both glasses, but not too much. I place the cork back on top and put it where it belongs. I grab 2 filled glasses and take it outside where Tyler is. He was still looking at the opposite direction until he noticed me. I gave him a smile and say hi. He smiled and laugh.

"Oh hello! I still remembered about our little planned hangover that we both talked about!" I said smiling as I gave him his wine glass. He grabbed it and thanked me. I sit down beside him and begin to take my 1st sip. He did the same too.

"Wow, this wine tasted great! Where do you get it? It taste so good." he smiled as he drink the wine.

"Oh! I got it from the wine cellar" I smiled with a laugh

"You are one heck of a woman, you know that right? I've never had wine before so it is my first time drinking one..." he said taking another sip.

"I've drank wine before. When I was 22 in college, at a after New Years Eve party with my old friends. It was a crazy roller coaster ride. My friends and I were all hanging out together with their boyfriends until one of guys offered me a grape tasted winery. The couple who are celebrating their engagement offered us some wine which actually is so nice to them. My friend's boyfriend pour a glass of wine in a cup and give it to me. I thanked him and boom: I drank it. It was the first time that a taste of wine sprinkled in my mouth. It was so good. How come you haven't tried wine before? Why were you sitting out here alone?" I explained my past story to him and asked him a question that made him look away to the opposite direction. My face turned into a blank look. I wonder why he took his eyes off of me.

"Listen Lupita, Uhhh. There's something that I wanted to tell you about the #1 thing about me and I hate to say that you might not gonna like me when I explained this story that happened 8 years ago..."

"Oh Tyler! Don't worry about it! I'm not gonna dislike you right away about something you're about to tell me. I'll always support you no matter what as a friend of yours." I gently placed my hand on top of his and stroked it gently. "I promised" I softy smiled at him. He took a deep breath and exhale.

~~after 30 minutes of explaining about his Kidney Transplant story~~

"Wow Tyler.. I'm so sorry that you have to go through that. The pain that you're going through breaks my heart. Like I said, I always support you in any scenario that you're in, especially about your story that you told me a second ago. But on a much positive note, we're all here for you and love you so much. You're one of the chilliest and fine dudes I've ever met! Don't forget about the hashtag that you always say to Mark and your fans: #SmileAlways." I smiled at him and hug him for the 2nd time.

Aw, thank you! That was one of the sweetest words I've ever heard! Thanks. It made me feel better after what I've been through in the past. You're so kind!" He smiled at me.

"So what are we gonna talk about now? We can chat about next year, which is the You're Welcome Tour to make things more fun! You'll go first!" I smiled as I take another sip of the wine.

"Okay after the Michigan show in Detroit, we'll be heading over to Cincinnati, Ohio where my parents are. So every day next year at 8 PM, the show will start at the time and before 8, I'm gonna be taking you to a small town that I grow up in during my childhood and teen years! You're gonna be meeting my own family for the first time and then meeting Mark's mom too. I have some fun planned events for us to enjoy while were at Ohio! After the Cincinnati show, we'll be having a barbecue party at Mark's place! This is going to be a fun day for you to hang out with our families. Hopefully, when the tour's over, I'll be able to meet yours, too." He explained to be about me meeting his family then Mark's. I've never met their parents before. Well, Mark told me that his father passed away when he was a teenager back then. I feel so bad for him.

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