Meeting a Friend & First Car

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~~April 28th, 2018~~

I was in my bedroom, texting Tyler to see how he's doing on this fine Saturday. He replied that he is thinking of me and misses me since the Teamiplier and I went back to L.A after the 3 months of Tour that we just did. I get to meet his 2 friends at a Mexican restaurant in The Grove which is a really fun day for me to meet them after we just got out from the airport, feeling like it been forever being away from family.

Yesterday, I went to Ely's place and I had a great time with her. She is also a streamer too, especially her other friend, Kris and her boyfriend, Gar. My boyfriend, Tyler, couldn't make it to the hangover because he had a lot of stuff to do even do a stream as well. but fortunately, we're now keeping in touch while I'm with my family.

It is 9 in the morning and I don't know what me, my family or my friends will be doing today probably take a nice rest after the craziness going on for the last 3 months of the You're Welcome Tour.

Just as I was about to make myself something in the kitchen, I got a text from Mark saying that he wanted me to meet a good friend of his who is also a youtuber and he did 2 cooking videos with the one and only Rosanna Pasino!! I remembered watching her videos when I was in College during my free time. She seems like a very sweet and positive person to hang out with. So that is why I'll be meeting her today.

but Bob, Wade and Molly won't be coming because they're probably gonna be busy today with personal things, which is a bit unfortunate but understandable. Mark then told me to get ready so he and Amy could pick me up from my house in like a hour. I quickly make myself some pancakes with strawberries toppings and eggs.

After I did that, I ate my breakfast in the dining room where my sister is sitting, using her phone. We just talk about how things were going for the both of us. I told her that I'll be hanging out with friends and meeting a new friend that Mark talks about about. She said cool and have fun. My mom and dad are at a store buying essentials because we don't have any so they went to Food 4 Less with my cousins.

I finish eating and went to my bedroom, change into the clothes I'm going to wear for today and fixed my hair. I already takes a shower so I'm good. I go to the the bathroom to brush my teeth, put on makeup and add a little perfume on. I unplug my phone that is on the night stand and go to the front door. I check the time and it said 9:40. Mark called that he's on his way so I waited for 20 minutes in the living room.

Amy texted me that they're here. I got up from the couch and told Dominique, my sister, that I'll be back around 9 tonight. She agreed and said bye. I walk out of the house and toward Mark's SUV. Inside, there's Ethan and Kathryn in the backseat and Tyler behind them in a extra seating area. Amy is in the passenger seat. Both Ethan and Kathryn get off and moved one seat so I could get inside the car with Tyler. I sat next to him and he greeted me with a kiss on a cheek.

"Hi, love! good morning!" he smiled at me, happily seeing me again.

"Well good morning to you too, sweetheart!" I giggled and kiss him.

Mark and Amy awe at us as Kathryn and Ethan climb back inside the car, bringing the seat back up. Both Tyler and I put on our seatbelts. The road trip to Calabasas begins. Mark told me that Rosanna lives in that area and in a very gated community so we might have access to it though since we are not residents there.

I am so excited to meet her and I heard that she had a boyfriend named Mike. They look so cute together in videos and I'm so happy for them. Can't wait to meet her. The Teamiplier already ate breakfast so we plenty of time until lunch.

When we finally got to the Ventura Freeway after all the traffic that we're stuck in, we enter another phase of a 32 minutes trip. To kill time, we played some new Disney songs to sing along with our favorite characters! The girls and I went first then the boys. Once they're finish, we decided to sing "Do you wanna build a snowman" all together again like we did last year with Chica but this time with Kathryn and she killed it with the notes! I bet she is a good singer. we all laugh and having a great time as a Teamiplier. I loved them so much especially Tyler as well. he's the best boyfriend I've ever dated. Our love is endless love to the both of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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