A Sunday's First Day

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~May 28th, 2017 at 8:20 AM~~

  I opened my brown colored eyes due to the sun rays shining through the hotel's room. I turn body to face the hotel's drawer with a telephone and a lamp. In front of me, I could see my parents getting ready to go out and explore the the wonders of Los Angeles with their siblings AKA: my aunts and my uncles. I got up from the bed and seeing Dominique got out of the shower. Probably she's getting ready to go with me to our first day in L.A. oh yeah, I remembered what my mom told us yesterday that me, Dominique, David, Daniel, Kyle & Annalisa will be having our first day alone as I'll be babysitting them while the adults walk around in L.A. they wanted to see what this California southern city really like and wanted to take a stress-free day. I am so nervous just to meet new people and might be embarrassed when babysitting the kids and Dominique.

   While the adults walk around in L.A. they wanted to see what this California southern city really likes and wanted to take a stress-free day while I babysit their kids and my sister. I am so nervous just to meet new
people and might be embarrassed when babysitting the kids and Dominique. But I'll be fine.

  I got out of bed and stretched a little before going to my suitcase that is pink with white stripes that is sitting next to my mom's on the floor. I unzipped it and looked for a perfect outfit to wear for my First Day.
Then I found one: a light pink sweatshirt with half a fabric that goes to the belly button and some denim jeans.

   I smiled at my favorite choice and pick up, fold it, grabbed a underwear with a clean bra, socks and goes to the bathroom. I set my new clothes on top of the toilet and started to undress myself, turn on the shower head, checked the temperature and get inside the shower.

~~Time Skip~~

    I changed into my picked outfit after drying myself and then goes to the sink to brush my teeth. After brushing my teeth really good and fixed my hair to make myself look good, I head out the door and going through my shoe bag that I just brought and looked for my plain white sneakers. I sit on the bed and put them on. Dominique is wearing her grey shirt with a burgundy sweatshirt with denim jeans and grey shoes.

  She looked so good and adorable! I gave her a nice compliment and she thanked me with a smile. My parents ordered us to go down the hall to see if our cousins are ready. We both smiled and go out the door, headed down the east hallway and one of us stopped in front of room: 408 & 412. We knock on the doors and asked if they're ready yet. I heard a "yes" and waited for to come out. my parents came out of our hotel room with the car keys that I'll be driving and taking the kids and myself to a breakfast cafe shop that is maybe kids-friendly and hopefully I'll meet someone there.

   About 5 minutes later, Daniel and David come out of their rooms with their parents and Kyle even Annalisa did the same with their parents. They dressed so nicely because they knew and decided to go with us as a big move in day. Dominique and I asked them separately if they're ready to go eat breakfast with us.

   I have my pink purse with my phone inside especially lip gloss too. Dominique have hers in her back pocket so now we're all ready go out. 3 of the adults used the hotel card key to locked the doors to prevent any thief's from getting in. We all head down the west hallway that lead us to the elevators. My 4 cousins are so excited and hyped for our very first day living in California. Especially my sister as well. I can't believe I'll be meeting my 2 favorite content creators here if they're around in public. I am so excited!

    Once we're in front of the elevators, one of us pressed the button to wait for the doors to open. A few seconds later, it opens up and we go inside it and just try to squeeze together very close. The door closed and it takes us down to the lobby. The doors open as it beeps 3 times and we all got out of the elevator and out of the hotel building. My parents told us that they'll be going in my aunt jennifer's car. I agree with a smile as they gave me the car keys to for my mom's car. David, Daniel, Kyle, Annalisa and Dominique goes up to me.

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