You're Welcome Tour (First Month)

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~February 6th, 2018 at 5:30 AM~

~~Author's Point of View~~

Elena was in the shower washing her hair after getting up from the alarm going off at 5:30 AM because today is the 1st day of the You're Welcome Tour! She is so excited to join her friends on a entertainer coach for 3 months with them! This is going to be a wild ride for them. Her family is still asleep and she's the only awake at 5 in the morning. Of course, she still love her family and all especially her other family members, but she just wanted to hang out with the friends she made in the past months since the day she joined the Teamiplier when she and her family took a flight to California as their new home state from their other home state in Austin.

She got out of the shower and dry herself with a towel and change into an outfit that she going to wear for the road and she'll be packing several clothes for the next 3 months in her suitcase, before putting on some makeup. After putting her cosmetics in a bag, Elena goes through her closet and picks out all 29 outfits including some pajamas and place them in both suitcases, 10 of them separately.

Once she finish packing the clothes in 2 suitcases that lasted maybe 40 minutes to do, she decided and thought to herself that she doesn't want to eat breakfast with the lights on so she wanted to eat food at an ihop with her friends. Elena grabbed both suitcases, unplug her phone and charger with her earbuds and placing them in a zipped bag.

She then open the door and walks out of the house, entering the night sky of Los Angeles with her suitcases in both hands. Elena text Amy about where she is gonna take her, waiting for to pick her up from her house. She replied that they'll be going to Mark's house just to wait for Mark and the others to finish packing. Tyler, Ethan, Wade, Bob, Kathryn and Molly are already at the house waiting for their ride to go over there.

Amy also told Elena that Mark already hired a professional driver named Serenity and she is an black woman who is gonna be with them for 3 months of the tour. Elena was so excited about this tour. She gonna have a a lot of fun away from home with friends & she still gonna stay in touch with family.

~End of Author's Point of View~

Once Amy already got to the neighborhood where I'm standing in front of my house, she stopped and got out of the car. Unlocking the trunk, she helped out with my 2 suitcases while I took my purse with me. Amy close it and we rush inside the car, smiling at each other before giving a hug.

"So are you ready for the 1st month of the tour, Elena? You're gonna have alot of fun and having a great time with us! Don't worry, Tyler is gonna be coming along with us since he's a stage performer with the other boys."

"Heh I know! Ethan told me. Of course I'm excited, Amy! We're all gonna have a great time. It is 6:10. We gotta hurry. We have to be there at 6:30. Let's go!" I giggled as she start driving out of the neighborhood. While I'm on tour, I'm still gonna stay in touch with my family though. I'm sure I'll miss them.

When we got to Mark's house, I was so hyped for our 1st day of the first-ever Tour! I bet Tyler's excited as well, especially the others. Amy told me to leave my suitcases in the trunk while we're inside the house. She then told me that the boys will be helping us pack and place them inside the bus. I agree with her and we both get off the car, leaving it near the driveway. I grab my purse and take it with me. Amy lock all doors and walk up to me to the front door. She rang the doorbell and we waited for somebody to open it. Then someone did. It was Tyler. He looked so happy to see me and he lead us inside. We thanked him and enter the house. Seeing Mark, Ethan, Kathryn, Wade, Molly, and Bob all holding their things. They were so surprised and happy to see me too.

One by one, they hug me and ask me if I'm ready for the entire 3 months of the tour with so much excitement in their voices. I answered yes. Chica came in between Ethan and Molly and wanted some belly rubs. I realized that we can't take her with us unfortunately since each venues the boys will be doing their show in doesn't allow outside dogs inside. So she gonna have to stay here alone probably with a dog sitter or with Mark's friends. I happily gave her some belly rubs with giggles. Mark told all of us to wait for 40 minutes for our bus to get here so we went to the living room and hung out together.

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