Last Few Tours & The Houston Show

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~~~April 5th, 2018~~~~

We're on the road again from after doing a show in Richmond and now we're heading to Boston! What Amy told me while we're on the road just minutes after we loaded the bus around 6AM, she told me that the Boston convention center will be having a special event called PAX East! I realized that my dream finally came true after I tried convinced my parents to go any events such as PAX and Comic Con when I was a
freshman at the University of Austin. and now my friends are surprising me by taking me there. I'm so excited. I already met Mark and Tyler just a day after me and my family arrived in Los Angeles to start a new life
together but I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun. We'll be going to the Boston
Convention Center after the show, well like Mark will be announcing the event at his show and go to our first hour at the event. I'm so excited!

I'm still keeping in touch with my family throughout the 2 months of tour and wondering how I am doing with my friends. I bet they're so happy for me to be safe along with my friends but my parents didn't
meet my boyfriend yet which sounded unfortunate but the both of us will be keeping the romantic relationship in secret and I'm sure Tyler will understand.. Tyler and I have been the happiest couple we ever become since the day we met! He is literally the sweetest man I've ever dated and he treated me just right like my old friend say to me on our last week of college before we graduated. My dream again came true and I'm happy to have a perfect boyfriend that fit the description of what my friends use to say to me. I'm way happier now.

I'm in the living room area where Mark and Amy are at. Amy is holding Mark's hand which made her to scoot closer to him. They are so cute together and I hope that they last forever as a couple. then Tyler came out of the bunk area and sat beside me, letting me on his lap and I wrap my arms around him. We look at each other and smile. Mark and Amy gave us a smile and say we look perfect together. Tyler thanked them and kissed my cheek, which made me giggled.

When we got to Boston, the city look so pretty for us to see and it was probably my first time being in Boston though and this time with my friends. The bus parked right behind the theater so we can begin to unload and get inside. We get off the tour bus and help each other with our stuff and then follow a staff member to the dressing rooms. After 30 minutes of unloading the bus, we all sat down in any chairs and just relax for a bit. Mark gave each of us our Pax East badges and I have that smile on my face which made the girls smile at my reaction. We put on our badges and just for 2 o clock so the boys can go to their rehearsal.

Once the boys are back at 3, we all go out of the building with our badges
around our necks and get in the Uber to go to the Boston convention center. Evan and Dan decided to come along with us to the event so they can meet the fans too. This is my 2nd time meeting them and I hopefully
they ll share their experiences meeting me at PAX. I felt like I'm their content creator who creates content but I'm not that of a person who would be on camera well except the videos that I'm in with Mark. But anywho, the ubers dropped us off at the front of the convention center and we walk to the entrance. Tyler surprisingly held the door for us which is really sweet of him with his kindness!

There are so many people there and there are some youtubers too! I can't to meet them! Firstly, Mark and the others will be doing their
special announcement for the Boston show at a area where it held a public panel for creators so they'll do first. We all walk over to the area where thousands of people are sitting down. Amy, Kathryn, Molly and I decided to take a seat in the audience while the boys go up stage. We're sitting in the very front so the guys can see us. Everyone were screaming and cheering for them and it was loud. The announcer said that today is
a Markiplier and Friends Special Panel: You're Welcome Tour Edition.

The guys took a seat behind the table and one of them grab the microphone to speak. Everyone was still cheering. Let see what the boys gonna say about the Boston tour that will be happening tonight at 8.

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