W.K.M Filming Day

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~October 8th, 2017~

~~in the riveras household~~

I was in my room, cleaning and keeping things tidy to start my day. We just brought our own house in Larchmont Village in L.A. after we received tons of savings that my parents paid for 6 months in their own jobs 24/7. My sister, Dominique, loved her new room with her furniture and bed that we brought from the Ashley Home Store with the help of our relatives. They wanted to move into their new houses that they were able to buy. My parent's master bedroom is the most elegant room I've ever seen! All of their furniture expect the bed was all white. They chose that design for their room to make it look beautiful. I thought they were like some rich parents celebrities but we're originally people with normal lives. Dominique's room have her favorite color: Purple. expect her bed is brown and the drawer's white. Both of us have a big screen T.V that cost maybe like a thousand dollars. We brought our T.Vs from a retailer store in San Bernardino that is not far from L.A. We brought ourselves a membership at Sam's Club because it is cheaper than Costco. My other relatives lived in 2 houses in the same neighborhood together. We lived in a different area next to Larchmont where their houses were. Their homes are like 2 stories while ours is only one. We, as the riveras, loved this design of our home. My mom likes the design of this home so we all agree with her opinion and brought this. Anyway, hanging outside of my closet's door is my female detective costume because today is Sunday, October 8th. my friends and I will be filming a multi-video that is a cinematic called "Who Killed Markiplier". This is gonna be about a district attorney, myself, is invited to a poker night by Damien, who's the owner of his mansion and the other characters having a great time at a poker night until a partner and I go on a mysterious murder investigation on who killed Markiplier. Amy, Ethan, and Kathryn will be helping us out with the multi-video for the next 1 or 2 weeks. The location will be taken place at a mansion in Laguna Hills called "Mythea Castle". Nobody lives there because it is like a a attraction for people who lives in California to visit there. So it is free for us to film the video. Pam will be helping us as well and a couple of guys that I'll meeting today.

I'm wearing my crop long sleeve sweatshirt that said "crew" and some light denim shorts with sneakers. Amy told me that I'll be working with a man who played Superman in the DC comics movies named Henry Cavill. The most handsome man in the world! He'll be working with me as my co-detective. He doesn't know us personally but we'll give him a try to have Henry play the role of Abe the Detective. I heard that he's here with his girlfriend in L.A so this is our chance to get him to be our special guest starting actor, I mean he's already famous. Anyway, I received a text from Tyler saying he'll be waiting for us at Mark's place just as they were getting the equipment ready along the cameras and other stuff. Talking about being a fictional detective, I'm not really a actress since I don't have any experience on doing the role for anyone in movies or YouTube videos that I've seen on Mark's videos since in Middle School/High School. But I'm glad that Amy, Kathryn and Pam helped me out with how to do a role of a character that I'll be playing as: Elizabeth Thompson, who is a detective in the film. Tyler will be playing as Benjamin the Butler. I have not seen him in a suit in person before so hopefully today I'll see him. Next to my detective outfit for the beginning is a 1800s golden yellowish dress. The character will be wearing that dress as soon as she get invited to Markiplier Manors where Damien is setting up a grand poker night. I'm so excited!

I, again, received another text message but this time it was Amy. She said that the 2 other girls which is Pam and Kathryn are all waiting outside for me in my neighborhood in front of my house. I gotta be super sneaky since my parents are in the kitchen, getting something to eat. It is almost 11. I grabbed my selected clothes with the correct shoes and jewelry needed for today and placed them in 2 separate bags: 1 is the outfits and 2 is the shoes and jewelry. I zip them up, grab my phone, and place it inside my purse, heading out and walk past the kitchen, making sure they don't see me. I made it outside, seeing Pam's car parked outside of my house. I smiled at them and walked over to the car. Amy opened the trunk for me and I placed my outfit props inside, closed it, and got inside the backseat. The girls say hi to me and I said hi back.

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