A November Birthday!

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~November 23rd, 2017 at 8:15 AM~

I get up from my bed and stretch my arms and legs before getting up. I take a look at my curtained windows and seeing the most
beautiful sunrise I've ever seen! The sun was rising in the Los Angeles skyline and I was amazed of how gorgeous it looks. I exit
out of my bedroom and go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I don't think we're gonna be doing anything today.
Might be an easy day for us. Just sit back, relax and enjoy the day together with no plans. I got out of the bathroom and to my
surprise when walking to the kitchen where I smelled breakfast, I was surprised by my parents saying happy birthday to me. My sister gave me a strawberry flavored cupcake for me to eat. Ohhh I know what day it is! It's my 27th birthday!!

"Happy Birthday, Elena!! We're so proud of you! You're now turning 27 today! Happy Birthday, sweetie!" Dad smiled at me as I smiled back with a thank you.

"Happy Birthday, pumpkin! I can't believe you're turning 27*sniff* I'm so proud of you..." mom sniffed and I could see tears rolling down her cheeks. I giggled and hug her with a smile on my face.

"Happy birthday, you adult sister! You're like a grandma now." I rolled my eyes and thanked her with that goofy smile.

"So sweetie, where do you want to go eat for your 27th birthday? We can bring along your aunts, uncles and your cousins as well!
This is your special day! It is up to you to go anywhere you like!" Dad said smiling.

"I would say spires as a breakfast restaurant for all of us to go to. After that, we can go whatever I want to go! I'll get ready while
you, my lovely parents, call the other relatives over here! I'll be right back!" I walk up to them and give them both kisses on the
cheek and then I head to my room to get ready.

I go over through my closet to look for a perfect outfit to wear for my 27th birthday. My favorite color is Aquamarine so I'll have to
pick a top and some denim jeans to wear. I pick the ones I liked and changed them in my room. Once done, I grab some no show socks
and then put on my shoes. I took a look at myself in the mirror and added some makeup to get ready for the day. I wonder what my
friends might forget about my birthday? Huh, guess, I'll have to find out later on.

I go over through my closet to look for a perfect outfit to wear for my 27th birthday. My favorite color is Aquamarine so I'll have to pick a top and some denim jeans to wear. I pick the ones I liked and changed them in my room. Once done, I grab some no show socks and then put on my shoes. I took a look at myself in the mirror and added some makeup to get ready for the day. I wonder what my
friends might forget about my birthday? Huh, guess I'll have to find out. I got ready, unplugged my phone and placed it in my bag, did my hair for a little bit and put on some perfume. I got out of my bedroom and was in shock who's here! My aunts and their families. I ran up to them and gave them a hug, one by one, and they said happy birthday to me. They also brought me some gifts, which is really sweet of them. I don't have time to open them now! We gotta go.

Altogether we all walk out of the door of my house and then we decided to allow my relatives to follow me and my family. So they agree. My family and I were in my mom's car, aunt Jennifer and her family in hers, and lastly, aunt Charlotte and her family in hers as well. We all exit out of the neighborhood and go straight to the right and then continue on with the drive that take us approximately 30 minutes to get us to Lawndale which is located near Alondra Park. When we got there and saw the parking lot had a few cars parked, it was good to go. We all parked next to each other because we're family. Getting off, I grab my purse with my phone inside but before getting inside the restaurant with Dominique while the rest went inside, I've received a text message from Tyler saying "HAPPY F*CKING BIRTHDAY, BESTIE!!!" I giggled and thanked him with a smile on my face. Finally somebody remembered that today is my birthday! I can't believe that he memorized it, which is fantastic! Hopefully my other friends will say happy birthday to me once I get to Mark's place because we mostly hang out altogether whenever we want to make videos.

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