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~~April 24th, 2018 at 7:30 AM~~
As soon as the alarm went off from my phone, I open one eye and noticed that I'm cuddling with Tyler as he was still asleep. I look around the room and noticed that a sunrise was progressing through the hotel's closed blinds. Today we'll be heading back to L.A after the 3 months of the You're Welcome Tour finished. I'm so happy that I survived this whole entire tour with my friends.

It was a whole lot of fun with them and the memories will last forever. I can't believe that last night I did a tribute concert to Selena with the original Los Dinos. They were the nicest I've ever met especially the Quintanilla family as well even Chris who was so sweet as soon as we met for the first time on the last day of Tour. The last day was so emotional for me because we just spent 3 months driving across the nation going cities after cities for shows and staying at hotels. Now it over. in the meantime, we'll be flying back home to California and just do our normal everyday things individually.

I felt some movement going on the bed and it felt like someone is waking up from his slumber. I look up at the person who was have his arms around me and it was Tyler, smiling down at me and stroked my hair gently with his fingers. I smiled back and sit up on the bed. He looked at me with his baby blue eyes that I absolutely loved from him. His face made him so handsome and I am deeply in love with the man who makes my heart happy. and his curly hair looked so messy from several sleep positions but he look so silly with a morning messy hair.

"Well good morning, super star! How's your sleep last night? Was it okay?" He still has that smile across his face.

"Oh Tyler! My sleep felt amazing! I have one of the greatest dreams ever: you and I got married in a very beautiful fairy tale like wedding with all my friends and family being there for me. I was wearing a white wedding dress and you were wearing a black tuxedo. You were looking so handsome in that suit. now I'm hoping that dream will come into a reality someday." I sighed looking up at the ceiling. I heard Tyler chuckled and then he pinned me down on the bed. I'm the bottom and he's the top. I was blushing hardcore.

"Did you say "someday", elena? Well, we have a long way to go in this relationship! After we get married like that, then we'll buy ourselves a house, have kids and grow old together. Just you, me, and the kids. Wait, how many kids do you want again?" I answered 3. "If you want kids now, then I know what we can do~" he smirked at me and I was blushing again.

"Something more...intimidating I'm guessing?" I smiled at him, not knowing what to do. He got down to my ear and whisper we could have the "first time" (if you know what I mean ;))] but I don't think we can because we're only been dating for like 3 months and we're pretty much happy together. I haven't had intercourse with any guys that I've been single for a long time before dating Tyler now. And of course, I'm still a virgin and have yet not lost my virginity in my single life. So im not comfortable doing it now with him even though we been together for 3 months. I told him the same explanation that goes in my mind and surprisingly, he agreed with me.

"But come on, we got to leave in like 30 minutes. Our flight to L.A leave at 9 so we gotta hurry to meet the others at the lobby. But yes, I really wanted a wedding ever since I noticed my relatives getting married and the story of my parents meet up and got married too. Hopefully, my dream will come true with the love of my life: it you." I sat up and he did the same as well. We got close to our faces and press lips. We kissed quick before anything got way too far because he knows.

We jumped out of the bed and took a shower one by one, brush our teeth, changed our clothes, pack our stuff in our suitcases and bags, throw away anything in the trash, grabbed our phone and walk out the door. We held hands with our dominant hand while the other held onto our suitcases. We got to the lobby where our friends already there waiting for us. Amy asked us if we're ready to go. I said yes. We all walk out of the building and I already understand Mark got us checked out.

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