[ Mei x Fem!Reader ]

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  Mei x Fem!Reader


Requested by: Nobody

                                                            { Fluff }


I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off, I reached over and turned it off. Afterwards I sat up and began rubbing my eyes, less than five seconds later my phone started beeping.

B e e p

. . .

B e e p

. . .

B e e p

B e e p

B e e p

I rolled my eyes and pick up my phone to see five missed messages, from Mei.

Mei <333

"Hey! Where are you?" 7:50 am

"Hello? Where are you? Are you sick?" 7:55 am

"1st period is about to start! You're going to be late." 7:58 am

"Are you okay? Want me to come over after school and check on you?" 8:00 am

"First period started, the teacher is taking attendance. Hurry!" 8:03 am

I looked up at the time '8:05' you gasped, 'Crap! I'm late!'  You were too focused on Mei's offer to come visit you after school and check up on you, you didn't process the other texts.

I shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom; I brushed my teeth really quickly and brushed my hair. I quickly grabbed a blue sweater and pair of jeans and ran to school, hoping I could get there before first period ended.

                                                  { SMALL TIMESKIP}

I sat down at the lunch table with my friends Miriam, Abby, Priya, Mei, and the newest member; Tyler. We were all talking about which 4town member was better when Mei passed me a note. I looked down and read the note.

'Meet me by the bleachers

I need to tell you something important.


You looked at Mei, before writing your response and passing it back to her.


I had something important to tell you too!

-y/n <3'

I turned my head back and went back to defending why *insert favorite 4town member* was the best.

Mei's POV

I passed Y/N a note telling her I had something important to say, I felt a bit nervous not knowing how she would react. I saw her pass the note back to me and smile, I picked it up and read it. I mentally cheered, glad that she agreed to meet me there.

I looked over at her to see her arguing on which 4town member was the best.

"It's Aaron Z! Just look at him!" Tyler yelled

"No! Absolutely not! Its *insert favorite 4town member* and I have proof!" Y/N responded.

I giggled a bit at the tone she used, she was adorable when she was like this. She noticed and turned to me, "What's so funny Mei?" she asked then smiled.

"Oh- Uhm, It's nothing." I said, panicked

She giggled and just responded with 'Alright' before going back to arguing with tyler. I looked over to see Miriam looking at me, she signaled for me to go to the bathroom with her and so I followed. As soon as the door shut she turned around with a smirk and looked at me.

"You have a crush on Y/N don't you?" she said

"What!? Uhm- No! I mean- She is cute and all but I don't have feelings for her!" I responded back, I started to ramble on about how I don't have feelings for her, but Miriam wasn't buying it.

"Fine, I have a crush on Y/N. I wanted to tell her by the bleachers today, but I'm not even sure she likes girls!" I said

Miriam sighed a bit and reassuringly grabbed my shoulders, "It's okay, I'm sure she will say yes, everything is going to work out." she said, then smiled. I sighed and smiled back at her. "Okay."

                                                            { TIMESKIP }

Mei's POV

I stood by the bleachers anxious, I heard somebody approaching me and turned around. I looked and saw Y/N, she walked over to me and smiled.

"Hey Mei! What did you want to talk to me about?" she asked.

I sighed, "I uhm- I like you y/n, like romantically. I wanted to know if you would like to be my girlfriend!" I asked, I looked up to see her as red as a tomato.

"Girlfriend...?" she asked, I nodded my head in response. She walked over to me and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"I would love to be your girlfriend." She said, I could feel my face burning up and I looked up at her and smiled.

'I can't believe it, the one and only Y/N, is now my girlfriend...' I thought to myself.

This is my first oneshot, as well as an attempt at a chapter, ever. I hope you enjoyed it! 

(763 words)

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