[ Jealous Priya x Fem!Reader ]

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Jealous Priya x Fem!Reader

"Don't worry baby..."

Requested by: @Gaybitchwizard

{Angst to Fluff}

Priya's POV:

I was sitting near the back of the class. The teacher had left the classroom for a bit so I was reading my book. I looked up to see Y/N talking to some random girl. I didn't think much about it, until I noticed the girl getting closer to her. I tried not to focus much, but every time I looked up that girl would be closer to Y/N.

I looked up once more to see the girl just staring at Y/N as she explained something, it looked as if she was blushing while watching her. After a while I got tired of watching it and walked over.

"Hey Y/N!" I said, in a nonchalant tone. I noticed out of the corner of my eye the girl frowning. Visually upset, I mentally cheered.

"Oh- Hey Priya! What's up?" Y/N said, adding a small smile to the end of the sentence.

'Why is she so adorable!' I thought

"I just wanted to talk with you." I said, sitting down. She girl sigh has she stood up

"I've got to go, see you later Y/N." she said, blowing a kiss towards Y/N then leaving. I started to feel my blood boil.

"I've got to go, see you later." I quietly said, mocking her. I wasn't aware Y/N heard me until I heard her giggle.

I looked up at her with a confused look, once she saw my face she started giggling even more, soon she was full on laughing.

"What's so funny? I don't understand." I said, her response was to just start laughing even more.

It took her a good minute before she calmed herself down, she looked at me and smiled.

"I heard you mocking Sarah, I thought it was funny. And you not knowing I heard you made me laugh even harder." She said, I was super embarrassed and laid my head down on the table in response.

I sat there with my head laid on the table until I realized something.

'Sarah, that's the girl's name." I thought, as I shot my head up. Y/N looked at me with a confused look before noticing my angry expression.

Then it clicked

"omg- You're jealous!" She said, I slowly turned my head with a facial expression that read 'No kidding'

"Honey, why are you jealous?" Y/N asked

"It's just, I didn't like her getting close to you; and then she went to leave and blew you a kiss!" I stated

Y/N looked at me and pulled me into a hug

"Don't worry baby...I'll talk to her late and tell her to buzz off." she said, I smiled. But that didn't last too long.

"HEYYO- HMP-" somebody said.

Me and Y/N turned our heads, to see an energetic Abby kicking and squirming while Miriam had her hand over her mouth.

"Sorry! Continue." she said before sitting back down.

I shot Abby a glare, fully prepared to kill her right then and there, but before I could do anything Y/N pulled me into another hug and giggled.

"She's not worth it love!" Y/N said, I shook my head and returned the hug. Trying to enjoy the moment before Abby came back and ruined it again.

This was fun to write, <3! 

(545 words)

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