[Ming x Fem!Reader]

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Ming x Fem!Reader

                                           "You're making me blush"

                                            [Fluff with a hint of angst]

Requested by: Nobody 


"I saw that look, where did she get that from. Treating her own mother like that." Ming whispered, I walked over to the ringing phone and answered it.

"Ming, It's your mother." I said, holding my hand to the phone so she can't hear me.

"I'M NOT HERE!" she yelled, ducking down onto the couch. I sighed and handed her the phone, which she reluctantly took. I looked at her with sympathetic eyes as she answered the phone.

"Mother, hello..." she said through her closed teeth, forcing a smile. I sat down beside her and started stroking her hair. She relaxed a little bit as she continued

"How's everything in Florida?" she asked.

I couldn't hear anything her mother was saying, but I could tell by her face it was nothing good. I pulled her closer to me and started giving her small kisses on her forehead to help her calm down.

"I was just about to call you, but everything's fine! I-I'm going to handle the ritual on my own." She said, a bit hesitant. Her face tensed up a little bit as her mother said something else, I pulled her even closer to the point where she was on my lap. I could hear her mother a bit, now that Ming and the phone was close to me.

"No one knows anything! They barely saw her." she said, I could tell by her tone she was getting a bit worried.

"I'm on my way, with reinforcements." I could tell by Ming's face that she was upset. I pulled her even closer and started giving her more kisses on her forehead, but it didn't help.

"No! I can handle it! I can-" her mother hung up before she could finish. She slowly let go of the phone, the phone quickly fell to the floor. She slowly laid her head into my chest, still having a shocked expression.

"Ming, love...Are you okay?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

She didn't answer, instead let out a whimper before stuffing her face into my chest. I sighed and started to comb her hair with my fingers.

"It's okay Ming, everything will be alright." I said, she didn't respond but slowly loosened her grip on me. I smiled; I gave her a kiss on her forehead before speaking again.

"I heard you earlier, talking to yourself." I said, she looked up at me with a confused expression.

"Mei's glare at you." I said, her face started to turn a shade pink out of embarrassment as I laughed.

"I didn't think you would hear that." she said, putting her face back into my chest.

"Well, I did. And I am pretty sure where she got that attitude from." I said with a small snicker. She looked up at me and glared.

"Don't you dare say what I think you're about to say to me.." she said, I chose to ignore her warning and said it anyway.

"I am pretty sure she got it from you~" I said with a giggle. She lightly smacked my arm and scoffed.

"You know, I don't think that's the only thing she got from you." I said, she looked up at me with a 'don't you even start' face, but yet again I continued.

"Like~ Your beautiful smile, and your gorgeous eyes!" I stated, she started to turn red and stuffed her face into my chest.

"Stop." she said

"Don't forget your wonderful nose and your cute laugh." I said, she groaned.

"Y/N, stop! You're making me blush!" she said, I started laughing. I lifted her chin up and gave her a kiss.

"Feel better?" I asked, she nodded giving me another kiss before we heard a gag behind the couch. We pulled apart and turned our heads, to see a very grossed out Mei.

"Mom, Mama, I love you. But do that somewhere else." she said, before dramatically gagging again and running off.

(669 words)

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