[ Miriam x Fem!Reader ]

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Miriam x Fem!Reader

"You're adorable"

Requested by: starmsg


3rd person POV:

It was nearing the end of the school day, you were in your seventh period class. It felt as if time slowed down as the end of the day neared. You couldn't help but stare at the clock during the last five minutes of class, counting the seconds as they went by.

Just minutes later the bell rang, everybody grabbed their bags and went to leave before the teacher said "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do. Sit down, We are almost finished with this chapter." Everybody sighed and groaned, including you. Everybody took their seats once more and tried to look interested in the chapter.

Miriam's POV:

Mei, Abby, Priya and I were all standing in the hall waiting for Y/N. As I was waiting, a brilliant idea popped into my head.

"Hey guys," I said, trying to get their attention.

"Yeah?" Mei said

"Do you guys wanna have a sleepover at my house?" I asked, the girls looked at eachother, then back at me.

"Sorry, It's cleaning day and I also have to help make dinner." Mei said

"I was planning on going to the movies." Abby said

"And I was going to get my nightfall book signed, the author is in town and signing books!" Priya said, with an excited tone but emotionless eyes. That girl sometimes confuses me.

"That's alright! I'll just ask Y/N if she wants to have a sleepover." I said,

The girls looked at eachother, smirked, then looked back at me.

"Planning on telling Y/N about your feelings..." Abby teased.

"Wha- No! I told you guys that I don't have a crush on h-" Before I could finish my sentence, Y/N came up to us.

"Who do you not have a crush on?" she asked.


After what felt like forever the teacher finally let us leave. Everybody got up and sprinted towards the door, hoping not to be told to sit once more. After I left the classroom, I started looking around for my friends. I saw them all standing near Mei's locker and walked up to them.

As I was approaching I heard Miriam saying something.

"No! I told you guys that I don't have a crush on h-" unconsciously thinking, I responded

"Who do you not have a crush on?" I asked, she slowly turned her head to me and awkwardly smiled.

"It's nothing..Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover at my place! The others are busy so it will just be the two of us." she said

I could feel my face heat up a bit, me and Miriam alone together. It just made me feel flustered.

"Yeah, that sounds fun." I said

"Okay, come over at 6, see you then!" she said, and she turned and walked out of the school.

'6, got it!'

~ Time Skip ~

It was currently 6:01 as I ran down the street to Miriam's house, my bus had gotten into traffic and I was a bit late now. I was zooming through the streets, and a few minutes later I was there. I stood outside the door trying to catch my breath before knocking.

It took a few seconds, but soon Miriam came and opened the door.

"Hey Y/N!" she said

"Hey.." I said, still in the process of catching my breath.

"Woah, why are you so out of breath? Did you run the whole way here? Its only 6:05." she said

"No, that's not it...My bus got stuck in traffic, so to avoid being late I ran the rest of the way here." I said.

She giggled a little bit before letting me inside, she told me to put my bag in her room and that we would deal with it later. She then sat down and the couch and turned on the TV. I stood there for a minute until she said something,

"Come on, sit down! I wanted to watch some movies with you." she said

I nodded and sat down beside her, she wrapped her arm around my shoulder as she pulled me a bit closer. She then put on the movie and hit play.

~Few hours later~

It was now 10 o'clock, and we had spent the last couple of hours watching movies.

"Hey, I have an idea." Miriam said, you turned over to her and nodded.

"Let's play a game!" she said, You agreed and she got up to go pick one.

A few minutes later she comes out with monopoly, we set up the board and pick our character. I picked the cat while she picked the shoe.

~Another time skip later~

We finished playing monopoly, we also played a few other games and before we knew it, it was 1 am.

"Dang, 1 am already? We should probably head to bed." You suggested, Miriam agreed.

You two entered her room, you opened your bag and grabbed a T-shirt and shorts to sleep in, she said that you could change in the bathroom while she changed in her room.

After a minute you asked if you could come in and she said yes, you came into the room and saw she was wearing an oversized dark green t-shirt with black shorts.

You placed your dirty clothes in the bag and walked over to her.

"We should head to bed now, Goodnight!" you said, just as you were about to turn around she grabbed your hand.

"Wait.." she said

"Okay..? What's up?" you said

"I, uhm. Have something to tell you." she mentioned, you nodded in response.

"The person that I have a crush on, is you..." she said, you could feel your cheeks heating up.

You looked at her and smiled, placing a hand on one cheek and kissing the other.

"I had a crush on you too," you said, giggling at her red face.

"Can I...Kiss you?" She asked, You nodded as she leaned in.

She gave you a quick peck on the lips, but it was enough to make both of your faces heat up.

"Do you want to cuddle?" You asked, she nodded very quickly.

You slipped under her bedsheets and pulled her close to you, she might be taller than you but you wanted to be the big spoon. You looked down to see her face redder than a tomato.

"You're adorable, you know that?" you said, your comment just made her turn redder.

You giggled a bit at her state before relaxing once more.

"Goodnight Miriam."

"Goodnight Y/N"

I really liked writing this, I think it's cute. <3

(1078 words)

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