[ Ming x Fem!Reader ]

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Ming x Fem!Reader


Requested by: Nobody



I sat at the table as my wife insisted that she should go with Mei to her math club, she was very persistent that she goes while Mei looked worried.

"What are you doing? Linear questions, geometry? I have a double-jointed elbow! Look, I can make a perfect circle." She said, as she twisted her arm around. Mei just stood there in horror.

"Wow, yeah but it will be super boring, wouldn't you rather uh- hang with mama?" she said, pleading. I looked at her and smiled.

She sighed a bit before looking back at Mei.

"Let's get my flashcards!" she said, but before she could take another step, I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Honey, let her go. Hang out with me instead." I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. She relaxed a little and let out a sigh.

"Okay, just have fun Mei." She said, turning and leaning into me. I looked at Mei as she mouthed the words 'Thank you' towards me. I smiled and mouthed 'You're welcome'

"You better get going, you don't want to be late." I said, she nodded and smiled.

"Bye Mom! Bye Mama!" she said, running out the door, I smiled.

"Bye sweetie"

I looked back at Ming who was still holding me, she looked so cute, and I wished we could just stand there forever. But my stomach disagreed, as it growled really loud.

"Hehe...you hungry?" I said, she just giggled and nodded. I smiled and walked over to the table.

After we finished eating, I went and started washing dishes. Ming soon walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my shoulder. I jumped a bit but soon relaxed.

I could sense that she was tired so I hurried up and finished the dishes. Once I was done I turned to her and held her.

"Cuddles?" I asked

"Cuddles." she said, I smiled and picked her up carrying her to our room.

She changed into nightwear while I changed into a big t-shirt and some shorts. I crawled into bed and held my arms out for her, she crawled into my arms and laid her head on my chest. She hummed and I started running my fingers through her hair, giving her little kisses on her forehead every minute or so.

We laid there for a few minutes until we heard a knock on the door. I went to get up and answer it but Ming grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back. I smiled and gave her a quick peck.

"I'll be right back," I said as I got up and answered the door

I opened my eyes more to see Ming's family, and of course, my mother-in-law.

"Oh- Hello Mrs. Lee." I said, she took her sunglasses off and took a good look at me.

"Hello..did we come and a bad time?" she asked, obviously disgusted at my appearance. She has never really liked me.

"Uhm- Yes ma'am, me and Ming were in bed. She is asleep right now." I said

"I see, well we will come back in the morning. I hope you'll look more...presentable, when we return." She said

As much as I wanted to punch her right then and there, I politely nodded and said goodbye. Once I closed the door I sighed.

I made my way back to the bedroom and got back in bed. The minute I laid down, Ming cuddled up to me.

"who..was that" she asked, still half asleep.

"Your family, it doesn't matter. I told them to come back in the morning." I said, starting to fall asleep. She nodded and gave me a kiss, I smiled as I kissed back. I pulled her close to me and fell asleep not long after.

I swear I love Ming too much lol, expect more oneshots of her.

(653 words)

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