[ Priya x Fem!Reader ]

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Priya x Fem!Reader

                                                                'You love me...?'


Requested by: Nobody


It was pretty late at night; you and your friends were at Miriam's house for a sleepover. Mei and Abby were singing along to a 4town song while Miriam was on the floor laughing at their terrible singing.

"They are pretty loud aren't they" you whispered to Priya, who was reading one of her nightfall books.

"Yeah, they'll shut up eventually. It just takes time." she replied, while reading.

I shrugged and sat down beside her. I pulled out my phone and started texting somebody.

I saw out of the corner of my eye Priya looking at me, I looked up at her and she immediately looked back at her book. I sighed and looked back down at my phone, continuing to text my friend.

'That was odd...' I thought.

Priya's POV:

I looked over at Y/N and saw her looking at her phone, she was smiling and giggling every few minutes. I would never admit this, but it made me jealous.

'What is she doing...? Is she texting somebody?' I thought to myself. I wasn't aware I was staring at her until she looked up at me. I ducked back down and tried to focus on my book again, but I just couldn't. I looked back up to see Y/N looking at her phone again, I started to feel even more jealous. I looked over to Mei, Abby and Miriam and they all looked pretty tired, and Y/N also seemed to notice.

"Do you guys want to call it a night?" she asked.

They all agreed as they made their way to Miriam's room. They looked at me and Y/N and asked if we were coming.

"I'm not very tired, I'll just read a few more chapters of nightfall then head to bed." I replied

"Yeah, I'll just go to bed when Priya does." Y/N commented. I looked at the pages of my book shocked.

'She's waiting for me...?' I thought, I felt my face start to heat up as they left the room.

I looked up to see Y/N looking at her phone again, she was smiling, and it looked like she was blushing. I had enough, I felt like it wasn't the right time to tell her about my feelings, but I didn't want somebody else to take her. I looked up and called her name.

"Hey Y/N," I said

"Hm, what's up?" she replied, adding a smile at the end.

"Uhm- I have something to tell you." I said, already regretting my decision.

"Okay...Is something wrong?" she asked, in a worried tone.

"No, it's just...I like you, a lot..." I said, mumbling the last part just loud enough for her to hear.

"You...Like me? Well, I like you too! You're a great friend!" she replied

"No, you don't understand...I like you romantically...I love you." I spoke

"You love me?" she said, in shock.

I shook my head, afraid of rejection. I didn't hear anything for a while, I then heard shuffling and opened my eyes. I looked up and saw Y/N walking in my direction.

"Y/N? Are you oka-" before I could finish my sentence, she kissed my cheek.

I froze, I could feel my face heating up as she giggled. "I love you too!" she said, just hearing those words made my face burn even more. I looked at her and smiled, when she saw how red my face was, she couldn't help but giggle even more. "You look as red as a tomato, it's adorable." she said, I was pretty sure steam was coming out of my head. I was blushing so much.


I looked over at Priya, she was blushing really hard as she smiled at me. I couldn't help but find it adorable. "You look as red as a tomato, it's adorable." I said, her face turned even redder. I looked at her and smiled.

"Can I kiss you, on the lips?" I asked, not wanting to move too fast. (consent is cool!)

She looked over at me and nodded, I leaned in and gave her a small kiss. It was quick, but nice. When we parted I could feel myself burning up, I looked at her and was pretty sure she was going to pass out.

"I love you." I said while giggling a bit at her state.

"I love you too.." she said. 

(723 words) 

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