[ Ming x Fem!Reader ]

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Ming x Fem!Reader

"I love you too!"



I woke up to the sunlight blinding me, I sat up and started rubbing my eyes. I looked over to my side to see my wife, Ming, asleep. I yawned and slowly went to get out of bed, but I felt something wrap around my waist. I slightly giggled and turned my head to see a sleepy Ming holding onto me.

"Honey, I have to get up, you need to let go." I said, trying my hardest to fight the urge to call in sick and spend the day with her. She mumbled something that I couldn't understand as her grip tightened.

"Honey, please. Let go." I said, which was a pretty bad idea. Her grip tightened even more, and she dragged me back to bed.

She brought me closer to her and snuggled her head into my back, it only took a split second for her to fall back asleep. I sighed, I was about to call in sick and fall back asleep until I remembered, Mei!

Ming had been so persistent that I go back to bed that I forgot to wake Mei and get her breakfast. You checked the time.

'Okay, 6:48. School starts at 7:30. I've got time to wake her up and quickly get something made."

I shot up out of bed, ignoring Ming's groans and whines for me to come back and ran to the kitchen. I don't really know how to cook, but there is one thing I know how to cook, pancakes!

I got the ingredients out and started mixing them together, there were still a few clumps, but I didn't care. As long as they were edible, they were fine. I checked the time


Thankfully Mei had set an alarm to go off at 7, so she was already up and getting ready. I quickly poured the mix into a few sets of pans and waited. After a few minutes I flipped them, most coming out a golden brown. Others came out more of a brown color, but they still looked delicious. I stacked the pancakes onto a plate for Mei and set it on the table.

"Mei, Breakfast is ready!" I yelled; Mei quickly came after that.

She ate, then checked the time, grabbed her bag and ran off. I quickly cleaned up the mess in the kitchen then went back to my bedroom. I noticed my wife fast asleep and couldn't resist.

I called my boss and told him I couldn't come in to work today, I said that I had a fever and a bad cough. I made sure to use my "amazing" acting skills to sell the part. After a few minutes he told me it was fine, and just to get better soon.

I hung up and placed my phone down, I slowly crawled back in bed trying not to wake up Ming, to my surprise she was already awake. She looked up at me and pulled me down, giving me a small, passionate, kiss. Once we parted, she pulled me close to her and cuddled me.

"What's gotten you in the clingy mood," I said laughing

"Mhpm" she groaned, pulling me closer to her.

I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled my head into her neck. I started giving soft kisses on her neck, once in a while getting a little giggle from her. She looked down at me and gave me a kiss on the head.

"Stop, that tickles." She said, half asleep.

I sighed and started giving her small little hickeys (not in a sexual way weirdos) on her neck, as she started to giggle.

"I told you to stop it, that tickles." She said, trying to hold back a laugh threatening to escape.

"Okay, I love you though." I said, as I snuggled further into her neck.

"I love you too." She said, before you both drifted to sleep.

If you can't tell, I simp for Ming. 

(661 words)

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