[ Ming x Fem!Reader ]

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Ming x Fem!Reader

"Don't listen to her..."

Requested by: Lxvenderwrites

{Angst to Fluff}

Warning: Language and Homophobic slurs 


Me and Ming had been dating for almost one year now, we of course had to keep it secret because of Ming's mom. But I loved her, and she loved me. We were happy together...

We were currently in Ming's room "Working on homework;" when in reality, we were cuddling. We had most of our homework done and spread out on the bed. That way if we hear Ming's mom come down the hall we can shoot up and pretend to finish our homework.

There were a couple of times that we cut close, but we continued to cuddle despite it. Unfortunately, we didn't hear her come down the hall until it was too late...


I could feel my heart skip a beat when I heard her mom's voice, I looked over at Ming to see the color drain from her face.

"Mother...its not what it looks like;"

"Oh really! Then explain!" Ming's mother shouted, I covered my ears a bit and turned to look at ming, she was shaking and trying to come up with an explanation.

"Well..uhm, you see...what happened? Well uhm.."

"Its my fault, we were doing our homework when I started to get tired. Ming suggested that I start to head home and I said no, after a while I fell asleep. I must have grabbed her in my sleep." I said, unable to see Ming with so much fear in her eyes.

I looked over at Ming with an apologetic face, she looked back at me, tears in her eyes that threatened to spill.

"Well then...Ming, why didn't you get this...thing, off of you." Ming's mother stated.

I turned my head to look at her, did she just call me a thing? Was she disgusted by me?

"I tried to push her off, but she wouldn't move. I gave up, a minute later you came into the room..." She said, tears starting to flow down her face.

"Sure...Listen, I don't want you hanging out with this....f*g." She said

She drew the line right then and there.

"What the hell did you just call me?" I said, Ming snapped her head towards me, silently begging me not to say anything else.

"You heard me, get out. I don't want your kind rubbing off on my daughter."

"What do you mean by 'My kind' exactly"

"Oh you know, you Alphabet people." She stated

"Damn, 'Alphabet people' is that the best you got?"

"I think you should leave now, you're not welcome here." she said, I grabbed Mings hand and dragged her out of there, ignoring the screams of her mother trying to get her back.

"Your mom is stupid." I said, walking to the nearby park.

I walked over to one of the open benches and sat down, pulling Ming over beside me. I turned to give her a kiss and noticed tears running down her face.

"Woah, Sweetie! What's wrong!" I spoke

"Am...Am I disgusting..?"

"excuse me? Did you just call yourself disgusting!"


"Listen, baby. You're not disgusting, you're wonderful! What would make you think that?" I said

"My mom...what she said..." she said as more tears started pouring down her face

"Hey...hey...its okay. Don't listen to her." I said, wiping the tears away.

"You are not disgusting, understand?" I said

She just shook her head, she moved closer to me so that she could hold onto me.

"We should start heading home, its getting late." I suggested.

"I don't want to go back to my home..."

"Its okay, you can stay at mine..." I said, smiling. She nodded and grabbed ahold of my hand.

I smiled and pulled her in the direction of my house.

"I love you, remember that."

"I love you too!'

(621 words)

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