[ Miriam x Fem!Reader ] (short)

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Miriam x Fem!Reader

"You're very accident prone, y'know that?"

Requested by: Nobody

3rd person POV:

You and your friends were walking down the street, you all wanted to go out to a new boba shop. On your way there you tripped over, well, basically nothing and skinned your knee.

"Y/N! Are you okay!" Miriam asked

"Yeah, It's just a little bit of blood. Nothing too bad." Y/N said, as she stood up.

A little bit of blood was an understatement. You had fallen on a very sharp rock, by the time you stood up blood was pouring from your knee to the middle of your leg.


Abby just stared in amazement; Priya started searching in her pockets for band-aids but couldn't find anything. She just had a few pads for Mei, her phone, a few dollars, and some hand sanitizer.

"Y/N, come with me. I'm taking you home." Miriam said, grabbing your hand and dragging you away.

"Miriam calm down, it's not that bad!" you said.

Miriam just sighed, she started walking faster noticing your knee was bleeding even more. After just a few minutes you two were full on running.

"Miriam! Slow down! I can't keep up." you whined, your arm started to hurt because of the tugging.

"Sorry Y/N, but your knee has started to bleed worse. We are almost there." She said, as she sped up just a little bit more.

In just a few minutes you were at her house, she took out a key and unlocked the door. She then grabbed your arm and dragged you to her bathroom. You sat down on her toilet as she started searching through cabinets looking for some bandages and peroxide.

"Okay, I have everything we need. The peroxide might burn a little bit okay?" Miriam said.

"Okay, I can always handle a little bit of pain." Y/N said, she smiled.

Miriam smiled back, then poured the peroxide on her knee. It stung a little bit, but nothing Y/N couldn't handle. Once Miriam finished with the peroxide, she wiped it off and started bandaging it up.

"You're very accident prone, y'know that?" Miriam said, slightly laughing.

"I know..." Y/N said, sighing.

"Alright, all finished." Miriam said, standing up and putting everything away.

"Now that we are finished here, let's go finally get some boba." Y/N said.

"Okay, but if you trip again its on you to clean it up." Miriam said.

"We both know I will probably trip again." Y/N said, as she started walking out of the bathroom.

Miriam sighed and she stood up and walked out, before she walked out she made sure to grab some band-aids. Just in case, but knowing Y/N it was in Miriams best interest to grab them.

Fun fact about me: I have a huge fricking scar on my right knee because I skinned it while at a friend's house being stupid, to give you a little bit of a mental image of what it looked like; there were rocks all over the wound, it was pretty deep as well, so deep that you could see my bone. Does anybody else have some skinned knee stories? I'd like to hear them! 

(534 words) 

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