[ Miriam x Fem!Reader ]

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Miriam x Fem!Reader

"I love you too...dork"

Requested by: @Zaylapegoda

{ Fluff }


The room filled with laughter as I got skipped yet again, me and my friends were having a sleepover at my house and decided to play a nice and friendly game of uno....

Well, not so friendly anymore...

"GODDAMN IT! THAT WAS THE 3RD SKIP ON ME!" I shouted, everybody started laughing even harder at my outburst.

"Sorry darling, hate the game, not the player." Y/N said, even though she calls everybody darling, it still gives me butterflies. (Am I the only person who calls my friends Darling and Love?)

"I have a right to hate the player if the player is targeting me!" I responded

"True, but still." Y/N said, she giggled a bit before focusing back on the game. I couldn't really focus because;

I keep getting skipped



I think that girl is the only person that can make me this flustered, she is so pretty, her H/L hair blowing in the wind is cute, the way her E/C glows in the sun, her skin, its so soft an-

I wasn't even aware I was daydreaming until I heard Mei call my name.

"Hm?" I looked up from my cards to her.

"For once, it's your turn." she said, I looked at her and then back at my cards.

I placed a red skip on Abby and laughed a little, but little did I know that it was a big mistake.

"Did- Did you just SKIP ME!" she said, her voice getting louder as she spoke. I swallowed the lump in my throat that I wasn't aware was there.

"Maybe..?" I said, she looked at me, before shooting up and trying to grab me.

Priya, nonchalantly, grabbed Abby and held her. Abby refused to stop moving and was kicking and squirming around, trying to get out of Priya's grip. Thankfully, Priya didn't loosen her grip, but just in case I walked over to Y/N and hid behind her.

"Miriam, you're fine, Priya has her." Y/N said

"But you don't understand, this is Abby. She is like a gremlin on sugar!" I said in a dramatic tone.


~ Small Timeskip ~


After Abby calmed down, finally, everybody decided they've spend enough time torturing me and decided to play a different game.

"Oh! I've got it! Lets play 'Truth or Dare'" Mei requested

Everybody agreed, so we all sat in a circle and played rock, paper, scissors to see who would go first.

"Ha! Paper beats rock!" Abby said, both Priya and Mei chose rock.

"Yeah but scissors beats paper!" I replied, it so happened that me and Y/N both chose scissors (I see some of y'all in the corner, Back! Back I say! BACK)

"Since you both chose scissors, you two need to play again." Priya said.

We agreed and went to play again, it felt like an anime battle, me and her both stared at each other's hands to get an idea of what they were playing.








. . .

My choice was scissors, but she chose rock. I was defeated. I held my head in shame as she picked somebody to play first for Truth or Dare.

"Hmm, Priya! Truth or Dare!" Y/N asked

"Knowing you, If I were to pick dare it would probably be something dangerous. So I pick truth." Priya said.

"You're no fun!" Abby said, Y/N shaking her head in agreement.

~ Small Timeskip ~

After a few more rounds, it was Mei's turn.

"Miriam, Truth or Dare!" she asked

"Truth duh," I said

"Who is your crush?" she asked, I turned red at the question.

"I don't want to give it away immediately, but its somebody in this room." I said

"I BET 10 BUCKS THAT ITS Y/N!" Abby yelled, I gave her a quick glare before getting on my knees.

"Whatever, lets continue." I said

"Not so fast, come 'on! Just tell us!" Mei said

"Fine...its...y/n" I said, mumbling the last part.

"What did you say?" Priya asked

"I said that it's...y/n, I have a crush on y/n." I said, I turned my head to see Y/N as red as a tomato.

"Wow uhm- This is unexpected but. I have a crush on you too." she said

The last few minutes that we were up, were spent on me and y/n blushing like idiots.

"Hey.." Y/N looked at me.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you too...dork." I said back.

Hope you enjoyed <3!

(744 words)

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