[ Abby x Fem!Reader ]

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Abby x Fem!Reader

"Everything is alright"

Requested by: @Gaybitchwizard

{Angst to Fluff}


I was hanging out with my girlfriend in her room, and I noticed she seemed a bit off. She wasn't her normal energetic self like usual, she was actually pretty quiet today. I sat up and looked over to her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, she looked at me with a very confused face.

"No? I don't understand why you would ask something like that." she said, it was obvious she was lying, but she didn't want to talk about it right now so I let it be.

"Okay, If you want to talk you can say anything at any time." I said with a smile

She looked back at me, once she saw my smile, she almost broke. She had tears in her eyes, threatening to escape. I quickly brought her up to me and started whispering reassuring phrases into her ears.

"It's okay love, Everything is alright." I said, rubbing circles into her back as she cried softly in my arms.

After a few minutes she calmed down and looked at me.

"Ready to talk about it?" I asked.

"Mhm." she responded

"Okay, so..what's going on?" I asked

She looked up at me and then down at her fingers. I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead.

"It's okay, you can tell me." I reassured.

"Uhm- Do you find me annoying..." she asked

I stared at her for a quick second, trying to process what she said.

"Excuse me? I would never find you annoying, what would make you think that!" I said

She sighed before responding, "I heard a group of kids talking about me. They said that if they were you, they would have dumped me months ago." she said, tears starting to form in her eyes again.

I rubbed her cheeks and sighed

"Sweetie, I will never find you annoying. You shouldn't listen to those kids. They don't know what they're talking about." I said, she looked up at me and smiled.

"Can we...snuggle.." she asked, mumbling the last part out of embarrassment.

I caught it but thought it would be better to tease her.

"What was that? Could you speak up?" I said, trying not to giggle while speaking.

She cleared her throat before speaking again "Can we snuggle?" she said more clearly.

"Sure!" I said, as I pulled her back down on the bed. Because I was taller than Abby, I got the privilege of being the big spoon. I pulled her closer to my body and whispered to her;

"I love you."

"I love you too." she said back, before the both of us fell asleep.

I hope this is good enough! I enjoy writing this, thanks for suggesting it <3! 

(456 words)

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