[ Mei x Male!Reader ]

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Mei x Male!Reader

"It's okay..."

Requested by: tyreseahsee

[Angst to Fluff]


I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I turned off my alarm and left my room. I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I felt my phone go off and checked my notifications.

{ Mei }

Mei: "Do you want to go to the beach with me, Miriam, Abby and Tyler?"

You: "Yeah sure, what time?"

Mei: "Meet us at 11, I know it's early but there will be less people."

You: "Okay, I'll see you guys then"

I turned off my phone and started getting dressed, I put on my swimsuit and grabbed a towel. We didn't live too far from the beach so I hopped on a bus and was there in 35 minutes.

Once I got semi-close to the beach I got off the bus and started walking, about 5 minutes later I was at the beach looking for my friends. I started walking, searching amongst the crowd. After a while of searching I gave up and called them.

"Hello?" Mei said

"Hey, I've been at the beach looking for you guys. Where are you?" I said

"We're near the dock" Mei said

"Okay, I'll call you when I get near it." I said

"Alright, Bye!"


I looked around for a dock and saw it, it was a bit far but nothing too bad. So I started walking, and a few minutes later I made it to the dock.

"Hey guys!" I said

"Finally! You're here!" Abby said, Mei nudged her a bit.

"Come on y/n, let's get in the water." Mei said, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the end of the dock.

We got into the water and it was nice, until some teenagers came over.

"Look who it is, some middle schoolers." one of them said

"Get lost" Miriam said

One of them scoffed and turned to her.

"And what are you going to do about it?" a boy said

"She said get lost, so get lost." I shouted

"Yeah!" Tyler agreed with me

"Well look at that, we've got a couple of 'tough' boys." a guy with a beanie said, which I assume is the leader of the group. "You boys think you're so tough, how about you show us?" he said, in a mocking tone.

"At least we have the balls to fight! Unlike you!" I said, the minute the words left my mouth I regretted them. I could see the anger in his eyes and it scared me.

He turned to one of his buddies and pointed, "You get the other boy, I've got this one." he pointed at me. I felt my heart rate increase as they threw their shirts off and jumped in. The guy with the beanie came charging at me and tackled me under.

No matter how hard I fought I couldn't get him off me, I wasn't able to breathe and couldn't fight back. I started to get worried, I started flinging my arms around and punching until I couldn't breathe.

I suddenly felt something snap in me as I could suddenly breath again, I opened my eyes to see the guy in horror. He went to swim back up but on instinct I grabbed him and pulled him back under.

I didn't know what was going on, but I suddenly had a thirst for blood. A thirst I couldn't control, I grabbed a hold of his arm and started shaking it around in my mouth.

Mei's POV:

We watched as Y/N and Tyler got tackled by the boys, Tyler was able to hold his own as Y/N was struggling. I started swimming over when I felt a hand grab my arm and hold me, I turned my head to see his friends holding me, Miriam and Abby.

"Let us go!" I shouted

"Hell no" one of the guys said, the other girls snickered

I could feel the anger boiling inside of me, I felt the panda returning when I noticed Y/N and the boy were gone. I felt my heart drop knowing they were now fighting under the water. Then we all saw a boy swimming to the surface in a panic state.

Before he could react the surface he was pulled back under, then we saw it.


Everybody started panicking, getting out of the water. We saw the boy's green beanie float to the top as more blood started appearing. The boy suddenly came to the surface swimming to the dock, his friends pulled him up while a local got on the phone with the police.

"James! Are you okay?" one of his friends asked

"yeah..I am..where's the...boy?" he asked

"Y/N! Do you know if he is okay?" I asked, he shook his head.

"I looked away and when I looked back, the kid was gone. But a shark was there...I think it was a great white.." He said

I put the pieces together and then realized, the shark was y/n, I suddenly jumped into the water and turned into the panda. I started swimming really fast and heard screams.

"SHARK!" people screamed as they ran out of the water, I started swimming faster and saw the same shark that had attacked the kid, James was it?

"Y/N" I yelled, the shark then jerked around and saw me. I crashed underwater into it.

I brought it up to the water, making sure to stick its mouth out from under that water but keep the gills underwater.

"Mei?" he asked

"Y/n! What happened!" I asked

"I-I'm not sure, one minute I was drowning and then the next I was harming people...I couldn't help it." Y/n said in a distressed tone

"I don't want to hurt people, I don't want to be a shark!" he said, I ran my hand over his head.

"It's okay, I understand, Just try calming down. Breathe in and Breathe out." I said, he did so.

Soon after he turned back into his regular self, and so did I.

"I'm sorry." he said, I pulled him in for a hug and held him close.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. What matters is that everything is fine now.." I said, he smiled and hugged me back.

Hello my little axolotls! This is the longest oneshot that I have written but I had fun writing it! I hope you enjoyed it! 

(1053 words)

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