Chapter Three: The Ball

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Today is the day of the ball and I'm being fitted for my dress. Why all this fuss over a ball? I hate it. As for my lessons with Cedric, it's gone quite well. I still have a lot to learn. So far, I've only learned how to make things float, turning rocks into rubies and emeralds, how to make things bounce, and a few others that are way too simple.

But I know things will be getting harder. I've read some of the spells and potions I'll need to learn and they're complicated. I'll learn them. All the while helping Cedric with his magic. He still doesn't appreciate that but what choice do I have? I made a deal with Roland so I have to stick with it. Once my dress was fitted, I went to Cedric for my next lesson.

"You're late," Cedric said

"I had a dress fitting which was 'super important'," I said annoyed

"Well, before we do anything else, I want to see if you remember the Waltz."

"Cedric! We've been going over that dance for three days now! I know the dance by now!"

He just gave me a look so I gave in. We went over it again and I did well. Until he told me I shouldn't be so stiff with it. Let loose a little. So, I did and it somehow went smoother. Finally, we got back to magic! We reviewed some spells I've been asked to practice and some new ones. By sundown, we heard a knock on the door. It was Sofia. He let her in.

"What is it?" Cedric asked

"Remember how you said if I ever needed any help?" Sofia asked

"Of course, I remember. I was the one who said it."

"Well, I was wondering, do you have a spell that can make me a good dancer? It's for the ball tonight. I don't want to look silly in front of everyone."

Cedric thought about it, "Yes. Everyone will be there. I have just the spell for you.

Cedric went to his desk, flipped through his spellbook, and wrote down a spell.

"And here we are," he hands it to her.

Sofia started to read it out loud but Cedric stopped her, "No, no, no. Not now! You must wait until the waltz begins. Then just say those three magic words, and you'll become the best dancer in the kingdom!"

"Thanks, Mr. Ceedric. I don't know what I'd do without you," Sofia said smiling and left.

"That makes two of us," I said

I looked at the spell he gave her. It was a sleeping spell.

"You sneaky snake. You gave her a sleeping spell," I said smirking

"Oh, come on. You didn't really think I gave her a dancing spell, did you? When she utters the magic words I gave her, everyone in the ballroom will fall into a deep sleep, even your dear old mum and dad. And I'll only wake them up if she hands over the amulet. And then the kingdom will be ours!" Cedric said smirking.

Oh, Cedric is a genius. So, the night of the ball came and maids were helping me get ready. I can get ready myself. But, they insisted. Then it was my time to enter the ballroom. Oldest to youngest, for once. Baileywick called my name and I appeared at the top of the stairs. I walked down to Roland who greeted me. We went to the rest of the family and then it was Sofia's turn. She was clearly hiding the spell behind her back. I let Sofia dance first since that was part of our plan.

Well, everyone fell asleep. INCLUDING ME AND CEDRIC! So much for this plan! We weren't supposed to be under the spell too! But, Sofia lifted the spell and we all woke up. That plan failed. Sofia and Roland then began their dance. And soon did most of the other guests. Cedric was ready to leave but I stopped him. I'm not putting these dancing lessons to waste on Roland who isn't good at it anyway. I dragged him to everyone else and danced with him. Of course, not forgetting the candle.

I love the whole candle thing. And I want to impress Roland with it as he always seems embarrassed by Cedric. I'm not embarrassed by him. Cedric tried to explain to me that he shouldn't be here uninvited but, here's the thing, I invited him so he can be here. So, we danced together. And the candle flame never went out. When the night finally ended, Cedric took me to my room.

"Apart from our plan going horribly wrong, you danced well tonight," Cedric said smiling

"Thank you," I said smiling, "I had a good teacher. Which reminds me; you're the Royal Sorcerer. How did you know how to dance and did how you know about the candle thing."

"I learned from my parents. It's not a requirement but I specifically learned it for my sister's Sorceress Ball. Of course, I never got to dance with anyone because my sister had an accident and canceled it."

"Wait, so this was our first official dance?"

"Well, yes. I suppose it was."

"Well, I'm happy it was with you and not the King. Because, no matter what people say, you are a good man and a great sorcerer. And one day, you'll be a great king."

Cedric smiled and I smiled back. I bid him goodnight and went into my room. I had such an urge to give him a kiss on the cheek but I don't think we're there yet. Besides, it would just be a friendly thing. Nothing more. I have no plans to fall in love. Not now, not ever. And besides, Cedric is just a friend. One day king. Can't wait for that day to come.  

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