Chapter Thirty-Nine: What happened after

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Everyone knew that Cedric only would've done that if he had a reason behind it. But they couldn't tell what. Cedric did it because he loved her and wanted to save her. But Tom was right about (Y/N) being sick. She was sick. She just didn't know what she was sick with. Tom did, he just wouldn't tell her. His mother has it too and she's close to death now.

Madisyn is just hoping that (Y/N) wouldn't get to that stage. This happened before to the previous king. That's why Tom is king now because he's dead now. (Y/N) went to bed anyway but she didn't go to sleep. She couldn't. She was just doing as she was told. Just as Madisyn came in to check on her, (Y/N) was quick to tell her to leave because she thought it was Tom.

"I might be able to shapeshift but I'm not my cousin," Madisyn said

"Sorry. I'm just annoyed at him. Why is he annoyed that I'm doing magic when he willingly came to my Sorceress Ball? It doesn't make sense. And what is wrong with me?! Why am I so sick when I was so healthy? NONE OF THIS MAKES..." (Y/N) started to cough when she raised her voice, "What's happening to me?"

"This happened to the king and the queen is dying as we speak. This place is a plague. I hate it. And I hate Tom as much as you do."

"I just want to be with Cedric. I want to be with him and help take care of our boy but Tom pretty much trapped me here. What can I do?"

"I don't know. But we'll find a way."

(Y/N) only nodded. But life only got worse for (Y/N) after her parents went home. Her illness got a lot worse. She had lost some weight due to a lack of appetite, she had started being physically sick, and been having difficulties breathing. On top of that, she's still managed to write her daily letters to Cedric. Never once has she missed a day. Cedric always told (Y/N) how Stephen was doing and how well he and Jayden were getting along. (Y/N) loved that the two were getting along. She just wished that she was there to see it.

But, right now, (Y/N) had just come back from the doctor. Tom had always told her not to but (Y/N) was getting concerned now. But she came home at the wrong time. Because she just caught Tom in their bed with another woman. She didn't think it was real. She had been very confused and delusional because of her illness but this seemed too real.

She just left for the throne room where she sat on her throne. She thought about her illness. She knew this would be the death of her but she can't escape it, she knows that. But, for one moment, she'd love someone to remind her that she's alive. If she had one wish, that would be it. And Tom won't give that to her. Especially if what she saw was real. But who would do that for her? And would they do it? 

That affair was no imagination. It really happened. Tom was cheating on (Y/N) with a girl called Maria. She was a servant girl but he was very much in love with her and she was in love with him. But Tom's mother refused to let her be his queen so he knew he had to marry a royal. And that Royal was (Y/N). And Tom knew he could get away with it because of (Y/N)'s mental confusion. She'll think it's just her mind playing with her but it was far from that. But things got worse for Tom.

Maria's father had heard about the affair and was not happy that his king was betraying his queen. So, he told Tom about it but said he wouldn't tell anyone else if he paid him more than usual and let the affair continue. Tom knew if he fired him, he would tell everyone in Uzacan and his legacy would be ruined. So, Tom paid him. But soon word got out that Tom was taking that money from the people and not his own funds. He proved that to be wrong but then made a mistake that would change everything.

Knowing the rumor of him taking the money from the people would only grow, he decided to write about everything, including letters that Maria had sent him. Now everyone knew about the affair. And that word left the kingdom to Enchancia where everyone heard about what Tom had done. Cedric was furious when he heard what Tom had done to his beloved apprentice. Thinking (Y/N) hadn't heard about this, Cedric wrote a letter to her explaining what he had heard.

This would be the first time (Y/N) heard about it all and knew that what she saw was no imagination. She was about as furious as Cedric. She sent a letter back explaining that she had seen it all happen. And it had been obvious that (Y/N) cried writing this because her tears had smudged the ink.

"Tom will never change. He's tried to separate you and (Y/N) and me and Greylock," Madisyn said after reading the letter too, "I'm sorry she's had to go through this."

"He's a fool. And he isn't the one for her if he isn't afraid to pull something like this! (Y/N) deserves better. I could treat her so much better than that," Cedric said putting the letter on his desk.

This wouldn't be going in his collection of letters. (Y/N) deserved someone better than that. (Y/N) would later confront Tom about what he had done. Tom tried to defend himself but (Y/N) wasn't buying a word of it. She burned the letters that Tom sent her after the Sorceress Ball and told him that she wanted to go back to Enchancia. She didn't want to be near him. But she did want Tom to face her family for what he did so he was coming too. She left the room afterward to go to a spare bedroom. And, fearing that her illness would take her faster than she wanted it to, she wrote a will. Then maybe things would get better after she passed.

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