Chapter Thirty: Forever Royal

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Today was Sofia's graduation from Royal prep and I have a surprise for her. I've taken her to the village where I've been making it. We arrived at our old Shoe Shop where I have it stored. I brought her inside where everything still looked the same as how we left it. I opened a curtain to reveal a pink dress I made for her. Sofia got dressed and met me outside. She looked great. We made our way back to the castle.

"I can't believe this'll be my last day of Royal Prep," Sofia said

"I still can't believe you went to Royal Prep. Or that I'm close to becoming a sorceress," I said, "We have come a long way."

Sofia sighed.

"Are you alright, Sofia?" I asked

"The other students chose me to give a speech at graduation," Sofia said.

"Oh, that's great!"

"I know. If I only knew what to say. After all these years, what do you tell everyone on such a big day?"

She has a point. I wouldn't know what to say either. I don't know what happens to sorceresses' when they finish their training but I hope that doesn't involve speeches. I'm not the greatest at them.

'It's not that far from our village to the castle but it seems that I've come such a long way. At first, I thought I wasn't ready to be royal but I proved I belong, I proved I'm here to stay. So when I stand in front of all those who I care about, I want to rise and shine but still, there is a little doubt. I really want to wow 'em but I'm not sure just how I'm gonna find the right things to say on such a big day,' Sofia said as we arrived at the castle

'I never thought you would wind up being a Princess but I'm proud how very much you have grown. You may have started as a young girl from the village but you proved you are strong, you proved it on your own. So when you stand in front of all those whom you care about, I know you'll rise and shine. Of that, I haven't any doubt. Just like the stars above you, forever will I love you. I'm sure you'll discover the way on such a big day,' I said smiling.

I left to let her get ready for her graduation. I went to Cedric who had a gift for Sofia. It was a tiara with the rubies the two of us made for him. He said it was a gift from both of us because she helped us a lot recently. I went to her room with Cedric to give Sofia our present a crown.

'Remember, Princess, you and (Y/N) made rubies just for me,' Cedric said smiling

"Sure!" Sofia said smiling

"Well, in this tiara now they'll fit you to a T,' We said smiling

"It's beautiful!" Sofia said sliding down the stairs.

I went outside with Sofia as we left to go to her graduation. Patty and her family arrived too because her kids are also graduating from Royal Prep. We all arrived at the graduation ceremony and sat down. Well, I stayed with Cedric and Baileywick at the side. Sofia gave her speech with Desmond. The graduates started to sing their school song to join Sofia's speech before heading back to the castle for the party. Cedric and I even added a little magic touch to the party. When the ballroom was ready, we were interrupted by someone. A woman, whose name would later be revealed as Vor, arrived, trying to take over the kingdom. Everyone was ready to try and defend the castle from her.

Cedric and I defend Roland but he instantly got in trouble again.  We tried to defend him again when Wormwood and Abu took our wands. I decided to hide as everyone got hit by Vor's spell. They were being mind-controlled. I watched as Roland gave the crown to Vor only to burn it. Vor ordered everyone to Cedric's tower so they left. Vor started to transform the castle and the kingdom in her own image. The animals also abandoned our wands so I took them back This isn't good. I have to do something. But what? I don't know what spell could defeat someone as powerful as Vor. Come on, think!

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