Chapter Forty-One: (Y/N)'s dying wish

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Tom caught her and brought her to her bedroom. He had a doctor check on her to see what the problem was. (Y/N) woke up just after the doctor arrived. After a lengthy check-up, it was deduced that (Y/N) had been poisoned and was close to death. And she had a day or two left to live. This broke her heart even more. She's dying and she never even gave her family or Cedric a proper goodbye. But this explains her fatigue, coughing, mental confusion, and being sick.

But who could've poisoned her? Why would they poison her? She wanted to blame Maria but then she started to connect the dots. His father died because the doctors deduced that he had been poisoned. His mother recently died and had the same symptoms as (Y/N). And now (Y/N) suddenly has the same symptoms as Tom's parents. Yet Tom hadn't gotten it. So either he's gotten lucky or he was the one behind it. That night, (Y/N) left her room to find any evidence that he was behind this. And found all the evidence she needed.

In Tom's office, she found the poison bottle which was almost empty, who he plans to kill next, and why he's doing it. He poisons the people who are in his way of getting what he wants, so his dad with the throne, and people he doesn't need anymore, and that's (Y/N). And no one ever suspected that the king did it because of his charms and good looks. Realising this, she left to go write a letter to her family about it only to faint again since Tom had given her more poison when he gave her some tea earlier.

A maid found her and took her back to her room. She woke up again soon later. (Y/N) saw the maid and begged her to help. She agreed. (Y/N) told her to write a letter explaining to her family that she was dying and she wanted them and Cedric here by her side when she did. The maid wrote the letter and left to send it. (Y/N) was starting to think she was taking her life for granted. One minute, she was healthy with a normal life, the next, she was close to death. It's all been so fast. 

All (Y/N) wants now is for the man she loves to hold her before she dies. And that won't be Tom. That will be Cedric. She's been without him for long enough. If he can do this one thing for her, that would mean the world to her. That's her dying wish. And she wants to tell him what to do with their child once she's gone.  

Cedric was the first to hear about this when Madisyn read the letter. She did promise that he'd be the first to know if (Y/N) was in any kind of danger. His heart broke when he read the letter. (Y/N) had explained everything, except Tom being the one who did it. Cedric wanted to cry. How could he not? The one person who he loves with all his heart is going to die and for what? For a reason that no one will ever know about.

He fell to the ground, breaking down in tears. He had always been afraid to lose her and now she's maybe a day away from death. It hurt to think of losing her like this. His parents saw his state through the painting and came to check on their son. All he did was hand them the letter and they knew what was wrong. They knew about their love for each other so this was even heartbreaking for them. But Winnifred encouraged him to save his tears for another time because she pointed out that (Y/N) had invited him and the royal family to see her one last time.

Cedric was quick to find them and showed them the letter. They too were heartbroken about the news but quickly left to get to Uzacan as soon as possible. When they did, they went straight for the castle where Tom was furious that (Y/N) had disobeyed him but suspected why they were there. He thought (Y/N) had asked to see her family again but knew he would be angry if she asked herself. So, he let the family see her.

But the sight was awful. She was so pale, so sick-looking, her breathing was uneven, and rashes had started forming. Cedric ran to her side as she woke up to see everyone. Cedric sat next to her on the bed and hugged her. She apologized profusely for not listening to him when Cedric tried to save her the first time. Tom left everyone alone. (Y/N) asked to see Stephen so Sofia handed him to her. (Y/N) took the boy from her sister and cradled him before asking the family if she could talk with Cedric alone. They all nodded and left the room.

"What did you want to talk about?" Cedric asked. 

"I want to talk about Stephen," (Y/N) said, "I want you to take him."

"But everyone thinks that he's Tom's child. Stephen will be taken from me."

"I know, I know. That's why I want you to tell the truth. I have written down proof if they want my side of the story. I don't want our son anywhere near Tom. And everyone needs to know."

"Alright. I'll tell everyone the truth. I promise."

(Y/N) nodded before having a coughing fit. Cedric took Stephen while (Y/N) calmed down. The rest of the family came back in. (Y/N) then proceeded to ask Cedric to hold her close to him. He didn't hesitate and did exactly as she asked, even letting Stephen join the hug. They looked like a real, loving family. (Y/N) was happy that her family could do this for her. But she couldn't hold onto life any longer. With her final breath, she said her last words.

"Thank you all for reminding me... that I'm alive and loved."

She fell limp in Cedric's arms and her breathing stopped. She was gone. 

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