Chapter Eighteen: Substitute Cedric

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Cedric's POV:

So, I've just accidentally agreed to teach Sofia's sorcery class just so I can get some Vex Vine for my potion. Sofia said there was some in her school's greenhouse so that's why I agreed. But I can't teach a whole class full of young children sorcery. (Y/N) is one thing but a whole class is another! I suppose I have no choice now. So, I went to the school with (Y/N) because I'm not handling a classroom of kids by myself.

I said hello before telling them to just sit at their desks and be quiet while I get the Vex Vine. Sofia stopped me saying I'm supposed to teach the class. I don't want to, I just want the Vex Vine. She told me they started to learn the Bounciglius spell yesterday and asked to go over it. Well, it's an easy enough spell so this shouldn't be too hard. I demonstrated how to do it and let them have a go. But, for the children, they either had it break in half, not bounce or turn into a square.

Sofia was the only one to get it right. Just to make an excuse to leave, I let them practice on their own but Sofia stopped me again. I'm never getting that Vex Vine at this rate. I showed them how to do it so many times but they weren't getting it right. How is this so hard? It's one of the simplest spells ever. I had (Y/N) try it to see if I'm showing them how to do it correctly and I was. Why is this so difficult? That's when some children in robes came in and made us all float. Now what? I looked at the children again.

"Wait. I know those robes. You are from Hexley Hall," I said smiling.

"The Sorcery School?" Amber asked.

"You know it. I'm Kurt. This is Elliot," Kurt said pointing at Elliot.

"And I'm Amy," The girl said, "Happy Prank Day, everyone."

Amy started to make us spin around. Oh, I remember Hexley Hall Prank Day. It was something I'd always look forward to. Although some of the pranks were aimed at me as I wasn't the best student at the school. But, I'm a lot better at it now.

"Prank Day? What's Prank Day?" (Y/N) asked.

"One day every year, Hexley Hall students come and play tricks on Royal Prep," James said.

"Yes, it's been happening ever since I was a young Hexley Haller," I said smiling.

"One year, they turned the whole school upside down," Amber explained, "It took weeks to get everything right side up again."

"And that's nothing compared to what we're gonna do today, Miss Princess," Amy said.

Elliot laughed, "Yeah. At noon, we're gonna fill your school with so many bubbles, it'll float."

The children didn't like that. It must've happened before.

Kurt explained their plan on the chalkboard, "It'll be lunchtime at Hexely Hall. Everyone'll be outside."

"And Royal Prep will float up so high, that they'll all see our prank," Amy finished explaining.

"That's awful!" Sofia said.

"No, it's awesome," Kurt said.

"It'll be the best prank ever," Elliot said.

"And we'll be the best pranksters ever," Amy said.

As they left the classroom, Amy made us spin around faster! I undid the spell and we all landed safely on the ground. Now the children were telling me to stop the Hexley Hall kids from pranking the school. Honestly, it's only a bit of fun and besides, it won't do any harm. Well, maybe the bubble prank will do some harm. And Sofia didn't like the fact I was ready to let this happen when I could easily stop them. On top of that, I'm in charge of the school since the fairies are gone for the day.

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