Chapter Thirty-Three: The Confession

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Some time after the ball, Tom and (Y/N) were finally told about the betrothal. Even Cedric heard about it. He thought it was way too soon to be doing something like that but there wasn't anything he could do. Not even (Y/N) could do anything about it. Now (Y/N) felt stupid. Why did she fall for a Prince she barely knew? She has Cedric. If anything, she wished she had confessed to Cedric long ago. If she did, this wouldn't have happened. But she can't do anything now. Cedric was thinking the same thing about confessing. If he had done it, this betrothal wouldn't have happened. They're both fools for waiting so long. The wedding was soon planned. The cake, the dress, the suits, the decorations, everything was planned almost as quickly as the proposal.

Cedric didn't like how fast this was going and neither did (Y/N). It was like both families wanted to marry her off to someone she barely knew. Cedric didn't even want to attend the wedding but (Y/N) invited him and Tom had asked him to be his best man. Must this new Prince torture him like this? It's like he knew Cedric liked (Y/N). But that's impossible.  It was now a day before the wedding and Cedric was in his tower, unable to sleep. He was debating whether to tell (Y/N) now that he's loved her for a long time. Would that make him sound desperate? Would that make him look like he's just trying to keep her for himself? All these questions played in his mind just as Madisyn walked in.

"Go away, Madisyn. I'm not in the mood," Cedric said

"You have to find (Y/N), now!" Madisyn said

"What do you mean?"

"It's Tom. I should've said something sooner but I was scared! He doesn't love (Y/N). He just needs her to become King of Uzacan! You have to talk her out of the wedding before it's too late!"

"He's using her?!"

"Yes! Now go find her and have her call off the wedding! If she doesn't, I fear for her safety."

"Where is she?"

"Somewhere in the woods. She's in a cottage to stay away from Tom because she's sticking to tradition."

Cedric wasted no time running out of the tower to find that cottage. He knows about a cottage nearby but he can't remember where it was due to it being the middle of the night. But he knew now that Tom wasn't good news. Cedric had to tell her how he felt now to save her. He just prayed that she chooses him over Tom. But he's getting nowhere in the dark. He used a luminous spell to give him some light but that doesn't help him find the cottage. He had to keep searching.

But, after so long, he found the cottage. Time to save (Y/N) from a fake marriage. Cedric looked through the window to see (Y/N) in her wedding dress. She was trying it on because she didn't know how to put it on. Cedric Knocked on the door and (Y/N) let him in.

"Cedric! What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked closing the door.

"I've come to tell you to call off the wedding," Cedric said.

"You know I can't, It's a betrothal, not a choice I can make."

"I know but I have to tell you about Tom. He's a fake. He's trying to use you to get the throne!"

"Why do you think this?"

"He needs a queen to get the throne and you're perfect for him! Please, call it off before it's too late! Do it for me, at least!"

"If I could, I would've done it by now! I have no choice, Cedric! I don't want to be with him but I can't change their minds!"

"I know but can you please try? I love you and I don't want to lose you to a Prince who doesn't love you!"

(Y/N) was quiet when she heard that. She confessed to loving him too and that she would try but she couldn't make any promises that it would work. Cedric nodded and, for old times sake and in case (Y/N) couldn't call off the wedding, they spent the night together until the next morning. They honestly felt like a real couple now that they had confessed. The next morning, (Y/N) did what she said and tried to call off the wedding. Unfortunately, they wouldn't.

This broke her heart. So, (Y/N) sent a letter to Cedric telling him what the royal family said and apologised. This also broke Cedric's heart knowing that they could never be together. Nevertheless, he got ready for the wedding just so he could be there for her. Tom was already ready for the wedding but he wasn't at the alter yet. He was talking to himself while he still had time to spare.

'This day is going to be perfect. The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. All those Armor loving boys say I look great in uniform. What they don't know is that I have fooled them all!' Tom said smirking

Cedric was in his tower, dreading the hours to come. What else can he do to stop this?

'This day was going to be perfect. The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small. But instead of having cake with all my friends to celebrate, my wedding bells may never ring for me at all,' Cedric said looking in the mirror

'I care not a thing about the ring, I won't partake in any cake. Vows, well I'll be lying when I say that through any kind of weather, I'll want us to be together. The truth is I don't care for her at all. No, I do not love the bride for my heart is dead inside but I still want her to be all mine!' Tom said

'We must escape before it's too late; Find a way to save the day. Hope I'll be lying if I say, "I don't fear that I may lose her to one who wants to use her: Not care for, love, and cherish her each day". For I oh-so love the bride, oh, in my heart she does reside. Oh, Princess (Y/N), I'll soon be by your side.'

'Finally, the moment has arrived for me to take a very lucky bride.'

'Oh, the wedding we won't make, she'll end up marrying a fake. Princess (Y/N) will be...'

'...mine, all mine,' Tom said with an evil laugh

Madisyn and Cedric were right. And (Y/N) would never know. Tom and (Y/N) were happily married that day with Cedric watching, sad that he's lost her forever. But he has a best man speech to make at the reception tonight. He had nothing planned so he'll have to improvise.

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