Chapter Twenty-Six: Through the Looking Back Glass

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(Y/N)'s POV:

So, it's been a while since Cedric betrayed me and I'm starting to forgive him. But not yet. I'll be happier when Roland takes the ban off of me because now I feel useless. I'm still allowed to talk to Cedric but I don't really. But I'm not allowed to be near magic because Roland will immediately assume I'm doing it behind his back and think I'm up to my old ways. So, I avoid Cedric the best I can as he is the Royal Sorcerer.

But, as of now, I'm waiting outside with him because his sister, Cordelia, and Calista are coming to visit. And he is dreading it. But why am I here? Well, he wants me to try and stop the two from getting into a huge sibling fight. Sorry, might not happen but I'll try. Sofia came out asking Cedric for help with her homework. She needs to shrink a watermelon to the size of a grape. I know the spell she's talking about too. It involves something called Dwindle Dust.

Very powerful dust that can do maybe more damage than a spell that went wrong. But Cedric was too distracted by Cordelia coming over. They arrived and Calista gave us all hugs. She also asked why I was in my gown instead of my robes. I just said I got in trouble so no more magic. I feel she's too young to understand why Cedric and I did what we did. Cedric did seem pleased that Cordelia wasn't here but he spoke too soon.

She came out of the carriage and said she made it here fine meanwhile Cedric looked like he has just been through a windstorm. He looks fine to me. I don't see why she's complaining. I mean, I know he's been upset about me keeping my distance from him but that wasn't the case. He looks presentable anyway. Before they got into a fight, I stopped them and asked how long Cordelia will be staying.

Since they're having a castle renovated, they'll be here for weeks or even months. Oh, joy. After obviously hinting that Cedric was bad at spells, Sofia offered to help with their luggage. Cedric was going to do it when Cordelia said she would do it so Cedric doesn't break anything. No one trusts him with anything!

"No, wait! I know an excellent spell that will unpack your bags!" Cedric said.

"But I know a better one," Cordelia said using that spell, 'Wanna see some luggage fly? I've got a spell for that. It will zoom around the room just like an acrobat. Feel free to cheer and gush. I've got the magic touch.'

'Though you may know some spells and charms, you're not the only one,' Cedric said using his spell for the rest of the luggage

'Why don't I unload the bags?'

'Hold on, I'm nearly done! Why must you always rush my brilliant magic touch?'

We went inside.

'Wave your wand, chant your charms just do it far from me. You might cause harm, set off alarms with faulty sorcery!' Cordelia said using her magic to put Cedric on one of the cases, 'Magic is not to be taken lightly. Lest you conjure things quite unsightly. Take it from someone who knows. Best leave the magic to the pros. Like me."

Cedric popped out the case, 'I'm the Royal Sorcerer and I demand respect!'

'Let's be real, with you in charge the place will end up wrecked,' she dumped him out the case, 'I'm certain of this much: You have no magic touch.'

Cedric stood up, 'She always wants to put me down even right before the King. With all her taunts when she's around they all think I can't do a thing!'

'Magic is not to be taken lightly. Lest you conjure things quite unsightly. Take it from someone who knows.'

'You're the reason for all my woes!'

Love of a Sorcerer (Cedric X Reader Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now